Chapter 2 " A Normal Day"

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SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy, Squidward and other kids were taking calculus classes with their teacher, who was a brown fish with big eyelashes and big magnifying glasses.
Many did not understand the class, others understood it half-heartedly and with great difficulty, and others did not understand anything.
Bob made his notes in a notebook paying a lot of attention to the explanation, but Patrick, who was having a lot of difficulties and almost didn’t understand, interrupted him and told Spongey to explain a little bit of the class, the spongedid it again
The teacher listened and asked them to shut up, or else next time they will go to detention.
Spongey explained very quietly to Patrick, until the teacher started asking and SpongeBob most of the time answered well, along with Sandy.  But the teacher, in addition to them, asked other boys, some answered well and others incorrectly, Patricio answered incorrectly but did his best.  And Squidward who, although sometimes he didn’t like to participate and deep down he felt insecure to answer, fail and that the teacher gets angry and her colleagues make fun of him, answered several times with correct answers and whenever the teacher told him that his answers were correct he gave him happiness and some pride, he was a smart boy, he knew a lot of art stuff he loved reading magazines and books on those subjects, but he wasn’t a nerd like SpongeBob was, he was a little more relaxed and some things about math if they caused him confusion.

After the teacher asked about the topics related to the classes, she said that she would soon take one of the most important exams of the course, and that they prepare because they will be in a couple of days, also that they will be going over the topics for those same days, I also leave some exercises of calculation of homework.
The bell rang to announce the end of the teachers' class and the students were given a few minutes of rest, the teacher left and the children interacted and talked to each other, some about trivialities and others about how the homework would be done.  SpongeBob who was studying his notebook Patrick was talking to SpongeBob about doing homework together at the star’s house.  Bob agreed.  Then SpongeBob looked back into his living room and his gaze ran into Squidward focused on his thoughts and in his notebook, trying to understand something and radiated a rather lonely aura and it looked as if he was a bit off, he worried a little and Bob wondered if he needed help doing the exercises, he saw him thinking I was.  And it occurred to him to invite him to do the homework together with Patrick.  He was a little nervous and sad to approach, and that’s when the next teacher came to give the class that he was following, Bob and the others were attentive to his arrival, greeted and gave his class, also left homework and finished his class, they spent the rest minutes and never asked him, and so it was with all the classes and rest minutes that followed, Bob was nervous but also wanted study him notebook and think about how he would do him homework.  Until the end of the school day, everyone went out and the sponge was clumsy and his things dropped, when he was able to get out he was talking to Sandy and Patrick, he and Bobby agreed to go to Patrick’s house to do the homework, Sponge Bob would help him in any way he could.  In that the sponge saw Squidward standing in the distance, seeming to be waiting for something and went to ask him nervously, with his heart beating fast and his hands sweaty, so when he approached and without him realizing it spoke to him but because he was nervous he raised his voice a little, which frightened the little octopus and made him scream, he answered. He was upset:
What do you want, silly.  You scare me
SpongeBob tried to calm down, and he said:
_*coughed.  Oh!  Hi, excuse me... I wanted to know if you’d like to come with me and do your homework with my friend, Patrick.  I can explain and help you with things that are difficult for you.
Squid confused, did not know what to do, so he only replied:
_No...  No, thanks.
Bob interrupted:
Squidward annoyed also interrupted him, and said:
_ No, no; I know how to do it, I only have some doubts but I solve it easily with my notes.  So thank you, sponge.
Bob replied:
Well, that’s fine.  See you, Squidward.
He shook his arm and left.  As he went to Patrick and Sandy, of whom he said goodbye to her, and she went home.
He and Patrick left there, and Squidward stayed in the same place confused and bewildered, so he took his clarinet out of his things and played it to relax.  While SpongeBob was thoughtful, Patricio saw him and wanted to talk to him trivial things until they arrived.
Patrick’s parents received them very kindly and went up the stairs leading to the rooms and came across Patrick’s, greeted them and the sponge called his parents to tell them that he was at his friend’s house and to pick him up at 8 o’clock in the evening, they went inside and locked themselves up to do their homework.  Bob took books and notebooks out of his backpack, as did his friend.
At that moment they began to do their homework, SpongeBob read their books, gave them a read, studied them and was guided by some things, so he understood easily.  But the pink star didn’t understand, so he asked his friend several things for a while until they were finished.  However Bobby despite being focused on homework and studies, for some reason he couldn’t stop thinking about his octopus companion, Squiddy.  And if he only thought of wanting to get closer and was worried that he was not so alone and smiled more, but at that moment his companion inundated his thoughts, so I tried to forget him a while studying more, even if he had already finished, in that moment Patrick’s mom offered them some snacks and both ate them with pleasure; then they were talking for a while and Patrick saw with his friend SpongeBob, a little of the adventures of Mermaid man and the barnacle boy on a T. V that there was in Patrick’s room, of which both were very fans.  That’s when his parents came, they met Patrick’s parents greeted each other and talked while Bob went downstairs, the keeper of his things, said goodbye to his friend and went as far as his parents were talking and waiting for him, Patrick came out of his room to see and to get lost, and he stood watching as his friend left his house and left, then returned to his room, continued watching, the show of the adventures of Mermaid man and  barnacle boy, dinner and then prepared to sleep.
While Bob, at that time, got out of there and his parents took him home, had his dinner when he got there, went to his room to think about what he would do the next day, studied a little more and then there were a lot of things going on in his mind about the exam and he also thought about Squidward.  In that he prepared to go to sleep and went to sleep trying not to think of anything so that he could rest so quiet.

Sorry for this boring and long chapter, I hope the fanfic improves, in the next one.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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