C h a p t e r 1 9

Depuis le début

Keaton's eyebrows furrowed. "Wait, Camilla-"

He gets cut off by Maggie and Adrian walking into the room.

"We are talking about this later," Keaton says.

I wave a dismissive hand. "Nothing to talk about. You're strong Keaton. Some people couldn't handle what you have gone through, but you still somewhat have a heart." I say with a slight smile.

"Time for food!" Adrian exclaims, throwing his hands into the air.

Keaton laughs. "You and your obsession with food all the time."

Maggie chuckles, shaking her head.

Maggie gives everyone their food while Adrian goes to get another chair for anyone who wanted to sit down.

Keaton stays on the edge of bed 3 and Maggie sits on the opposite side.

"Why did I have to get another chair if you are all going to sit with Cami?!" Adrian whines.

"Because we want to sit with Cami!" Maggie yells back at Adrian.

Adrian walks over to the bed and plops himself on Maggie and Keaton. "Fine. Then deal with me."

I laugh while Maggie tries to get Adrian off of her.

"This doesn't surprise me." Keaton laughs.

We all ate together. Laughing, smiling, enjoying each other in one small bed.

I stare at them and I realize how lucky I was to meet these three people.

Regardless of how things between Keaton and I are, there is no tension in the group.

After about 20 more minutes Maggie gets out from under Adrian and stands up, with trash in her hands. "Okay, it's time to let Cami rest. She has been through a lot in this past week."

Adrian gets up while Keaton stays on the edge of bed 3.

I wave a dismissive hand. "Guys, I can just go home. I'm fine."

Again, all three of them stare at me as if I grew three heads.

"Like hell you are!" Keaton protests.

"Stupid blonde could be waiting for you! Think logically," Adrian adds.

"I am not letting you leave this bed." Maggie finishes.

I huff out a breath and cross my arms over my chest.

"Sassy pants, you need to rest," Keaton states, firmly.

"Let's just all three stay here. I already talked to Anna," Maggie suggests. "Adrian and I can take beds 1 and 2. Keaton can stay with you." Maggie winks before she and Adrian walk away from bed 3.

That little small person!

You know you want him to stay!

Shut up brain! I wasn't asking for your opinion!

"You okay there?" Keaton chuckles.

I nod.

"You had very serious facial expressions as if you were having a conversation."

"I was," I say, voice composed.

Keaton raises an eyebrow for me to continue.

"With myself," I say short.

"Let me go to the chair to give you rest," Keaton starts to stand up but I grab his forearm gently.

I shake my head, "no need. I don't need to be giving you back problems. There is enough room in this bed for you. You try anything and I will push you off. You have been warned."

Keaton chuckles, "alright."

Keaton slowly lays back as I look the other way.

"Goodnight." We both say simultaneously, awkwardly.


I wake up with the sun blaring into my eyes. I squint as I sit up.

"Morning!" Maggie chirps.

I scratch my head. "What time is it?"

Maggie looks at her phone. "7:30."

I yawn, throwing my hair into a high ponytail. "Where is Keaton?"

"Right here," Keaton says, popping his head into my vision.

Maggie points the other way. "I'm going to find some breakfast with Adrian."

Maggie walks out of the infirmary, leaving Keaton and I by ourselves.

He walks around bed 3 and leans against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," I say, with a small smile.

"Can we go outside and talk?" He questions, voice comforting.

I nod, "sure."

I get out of bed 3 and we both make out way out of the infirmary, to out of the entrance of the boxing arena.

"What's up?" I ask once we are sitting on the sidewalk, in front of the parking lot.

Keaton clears his throat. "What did you mean by you understanding what I went through?"

Dude. You know nothing.

I wave a dismissive hand. "I still had a lot of the drugs from Devin in my system. I don't know what I was saying." I laugh it off.

Keaton stands up and walks in front of me. "I don't understand. I told you things that I don't tell anyone! And you won't tell me a thing about you? How is that fair?"

"Keaton. Maybe think for a second that I am actually trying to protect you from getting hurt!" I blurt out, not thinking.

"Protect me from what?" He questions in disbelief.

I shake my head.

Keaton gently grabs my hand and pulls me up to stand next to him.

"Camilla," he starts, "what is going on?"

I look up to meet his ocean blue eyes. "If I told you, he will only come after you," I whisper.

"I'm one of the best fighters at this arena. What could you possibly be afraid of me getting hurt for?"

"You don't understand. He will hurt you, just for knowing. I need you to trust me on this one, okay?"

Keaton dismisses what I say. "Is it Cory or Devin?"

I shake my head. "Someone who could ruin your life in the snap of a finger."

"Dammit, Camilla! Stop being vague and just tell me!" Keaton snaps.

I take a step back and take a deep breath. "I can't. Just know that it's for your safety."

"What about your safety?" He raises an eyebrow.

I give him a pained smile. "It's not about me."

That's all I say before I turn around and walk the other way.

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