Chapter 2: Inception Point

Start from the beginning

But despite all of the various benefits a Qweata has, I'd rather drink something that didn't have random insect vertebrae inside of it. And in front of me was the one drink that was particularly unappetizing: a Mosquito Qweata. The light blue drink was foamy and had a nice sweet smell to it, but it was made from mosquitoes. God damn mosquitoes.

"Yes, I thought that you liked sweet things?"

"It's made from mosquitoes Katalina. I don't like bugs."

I stared at the drink for a couple of seconds.

"But I'll drink it if you drink it first."

"I bought this just for you though," Katalina sarcastically remarked. "I wouldn't dare drink something that wasn't mine." A small chuckle escaped her lips.

"Very funny."

I tapped on the glass of Qweata a couple times before slowly pushing it away.

"So, what's the real reason you wanted to meet here instead of some high class restaurant where we could actually eat and drink something edible?"

Katalina glanced outside through the restaurant's glass window before turning back to me.
"Because I need to show you a place nearby. All the good restaurants are in the food district and that is just too far away from our intended destination."

She then looked me up and down.

"Plus this place is just secluded enough where we wouldn't be bothered by anyone asking about your outrageous clothing."

She was referring to my raggedy clothing and brown cape that I hadn't thought to take off from Past Earth 397. The other customers in the restaurant were giving me weird looks but I guess they didn't want to pry. Cosplay must not be a thing on this Earth. Originally I was sent into the past because Katalina wanted to know if the so-called Demon King that resided there had any connection to the Abyss, but slowly my mission changed from an information gathering quest to a history lesson. I liked hearing about Hyptis' past and how they toiled away to survive the harsh environment they were placed in, so my journey there was actually very enlightening. It was a shame that everything I did there was for nothing. In reality the Siege of Naught ended in utter failure, and Hyptis fell shortly afterwards because of the lack of military presence.

"Grayson, our time-table has been accelerated. Iridium has already found the Virantium deposit in the Atlantic." Katalina announced in a grave voice.

The word "Virantium" was enough to give Katalina my full attention.

"What! They aren't supposed to be searching for another 5 months."

Katalina's blank looking face only intensified my anxiety.

"Damn, that means that the 'other' events are probably happening ahead of schedule as well."

"Yes you are correct."

I sighed and leaned back in my chair.

"We've been gathering as much information on the Cataclysm for years. Please tell me you have a plan."

"Of course I do. It involves building a real time machine that can alter past events-"

"Like hell that's even possible. Please tell me you have a real plan."

"Haha I kid. I just wanted to see your reaction."

Katalina got up from her chair and extended her hand towards me.

"I said earlier that there was a place nearby that I needed to show you."

I looked up at her. "This better be good."

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