The begining of the end.

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Through the forest, past the abandoned theme park and hidden underground, is what has been said to be paradise.

I decided to walk, there was no point in trying to fit into one of the crammed cars, I had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen to them.

I ran straight past the old theme park, a pack of wolves had been using it as accommodation for their young, then I heard something behind me.

Quickly, I turned around seeing one of the wolves from the pack behind me. I bolted, if I tripped, if I slid on anything, if it caught me, then it would all be over. By this time there were more wolves joining with the other.
'This was not good' I thought to myself.

Barking and howling, they kept running, they never stopped. Well not until one of them got shot that is. Once the other wolves had ran off in fear I knelt down next to the wounded wolf, soon it would be to late to save it... I had to find out where it had been shot, and I needed to do so fast.

Eventually I found the wound, it was located on the back left leg. I would have to amputate the leg if I wanted the wolf to recover. It wasn't good to have it running around like this. But I didn't have anything to assist me in this project.

Then I looked to my right, there was a knife... I could use my jacket as a bandage. This could work, I could save the poor creature.

In the end I decided to just pull the bullet out, the wolf was still lying on the floor. It's not like it could even run anyway, especially with its leg in this state.

I leant over and grabbed two sticks although I knew the dirt from the ends of the sticks would make the wound infected I couldn't just leave the poor animal here. Either way it would get infected because of the environment it was living in.

Carefully I pulled the bullet out using both of the sticks -I quickly pocketed the bullet incase I ever found a gun-

Slowly taking off my jacket laying it over the wolves back leg; tying it by the arms in an attempt to stop most of the blood from leaking out. Although I was now freezing cold I had helped the animal and that was the only thing that mattered to me.

I stood back up, ready to leave. But then I heard rustling, the wolf had gotten up,was it okay? I thought to myself. Had it actually been able to walk after that Injury.

I started walking away from it as I had done what I intended to do to help it, but yet again it followed me it was limping still, but that was reasonable for the Injury that had just occurred.

I then decided to stay with it for the night I led it into one of the abandoned shops, although the windows were broken and smashed it was the only thing around me that was even partly safe.

Just as I was settled down in a dark corner of the building the wolf carefully limped over to me laying it's head across my stomach, but then... there was a bang,

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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