Chapter 2: School

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I head to my locker and put on my school shoes before going to my first period 'It's kind of sad that the dorms haven't gotten assigned yet, then I wouldn't have to worry about getting home on time I think to myself, it is what it is sometimes though and you just kind of have to put up with it.

II walk to my first period but I accidently bump into someone, I get startled and bow while saying sorry over and over again, I look up at them saying sorry one more time, right as I look at the I can feel myself begin to blush a little bit, they were standing there with their arms crossed clearly waiting for me to stop speaking I stand up straight but put my head down so they don't see me.

I hear them chuckle as they lift my chin up, it was clear to them that I was flustered, I look at them and they look at me 'Who are they why're they so hot and WHY HAVEN'T THEY ANYTHING' I say in my head "Um hello my name is Y/N L/N" their was no one in the halls so I was kind of confused on why they weren't in class but I didn't bother to ask "Hello there my name is Mon Kosata" they say in a low smooth voice.

Their voice makes my face go red even more then before I didn't expect them to sound like that their voice doesn't match their looks at all "Well Mon it was nice meeting you but I-" I was cut off by loud steps from behind me I freak out and accidently grab Mon's hand and drag them outside so you don't get caught, everyone in the school knows that the staff is strict as hell if you get caught missing something on your uniform like your tie you get two weeks of detention if your late to class get two weeks and a half of detention.

I look back at Mon their expression sort of flustered I looked confused "Why's your face so red?" they glances down, I then look down and realize I'm holding holding his hand tightly I accidently let out a small yelp from pure shock and fall to my knees my face red as a tomato they quietly laugh causing me to look up they were there smiling and trying to hold in the laughter.

I stand up and slap them "Fuck off asshole" I walk back into the building before they can say something and walk around the school until the bell rung again I then switched my supplies and headed to my next class.

I took a seat and realized Mon sat right beside me which I wasn't mad about because y'know they were super good looking but they could've gotten us two weeks of detention earlier all because of they're stupid laughing.

Class started and I could they were staring at me half of the time then finally they kick my leg to get my attention I look over at them looking kind of annoyed not that I meant to or anything my face just kind of looked like that my cheeks get a little red just by looking at them.

They hand me a piece of paper that says " Meet me at the rooftop I would like to get to know you" I thought it was cheesy but I still smiled because it was kind of cute.

at the end of our 5th period it was lunch break so as the note asked I went to the rooftop to see Mon sitting at one of the benches I walk over there and take a seat beside them I open my lunch box to see a few apple slices around seven grapes and some sushi I grab an apple slice and plop it into my mouth, just then I hear someone yell to Mon "MONNN YOU GOT YOURSELF A SIGNIFICANT OTHER OR IS SHE/HE JUST A FRIEND?" I know for a fact that everyone in this damn school knows my pronouns but I'll let him slide but then a few seconds later I hear Mon say "NOPE SHE'S/HE'S JUST A FRIEND JASPER" as I heard Mon say she's/he's it kind of hurt but it was fine since I hadn't told them.

I got up and walked over to Jasper I kind of made a motion to tell him that I had something to tell him "Please use they/them pronouns next time you refer to me please." I know Jasper fairly well but it's fine it was probably and accident. He stands up straight and gives me a thumbs up and says "I'll do my best to use them every time I refer to you and sorry for saying she/he" I nod my head saying it's okay and walk back over to Mon.

"What were you talking to Jasper about?" Mon asked as if they suspected something, I figured now would be my time to talk to Mon about it "oh I was just asking him to use They/Them pronouns instead of she/her/he/him." they slowly turns their head towards me and I look at them with a weird expression on my face they finally turned around all the way and said.

                                                                  CLIFF HANGER BITCHES

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