Viagra pill

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You had wondered why Kendall had looked so devilish when she handed you that sleeping pill

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You had wondered why Kendall had looked so devilish when she handed you that sleeping pill.  "Don't worry Y/N, it's safe, I stole it from my Mom's boyfriend." She said slyly. 

You had wide eyes, and your lip was raw from you nervously chewing at it ever since you walked into the airport.  "Okay, Kendall," you said. "I trust you."

You took the little blue pill out of her hand and downed it dry.  Now, sitting next to Kylie, You realized Kendall had given you something that could be considered the opposite of a sleeping pill.

You knew the moment you had sat down and you felt your pants start to slowly grow tighter, that she had stolen her stepdad's Viagra. 

Kendall knew about your condition ever since an unfortunate Harmonizers Club Party where you forgot to lock the bathroom door and she stumbled in on you taking care of yourself, so to speak. You confessed to her that yes, that was a penis, and the ball started rolling.

You told her about your condition and the fact that you were pretty much in love with Kylie, and about how much you hated that asshole, Travis Scott.

You told her the reason you were in there was that that Britney Spears song came on and Kylie started dancing a little too close, you had to run away to prevent something awkward from happening. Like, ruining your dress pants.

Her only response was "Sure, I won't tell anyone. You're way bigger than the strap Cara use." You appreciated how cool she was about this situation.

She treated you normally, after finding out that you had a dick and was a lesbian. Sometimes she would talk to you about her sex life with Cara even if you declined her offer on multiple occasions.

She answered questions you had that you were too embarrassed to ask your doctor or mom about.

Your dad had walked out years ago, and you wouldn't have felt comfortable asking him anyway. But this, this was not funny. 

The second the plane started moving, you felt blood rush straight to your groin. You gasped and quickly covered your crotch with the Thriller book you had brought for entertainment.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Kylie asked, voice full of concern. 

Your cheeks flushed as you looked over at Kylie. "Yeah...f-fine."  Kylie reached over and rested a soft hand on your arm.

"I know you're afraid of heights, but it'll be okay. I promise. You can hold my hand if you want to even." She said with a bright smile. 

You gulped and nodded. "Thanks, but I'm...I'll be okay," you said. "You don't have to be brave for me Y/N. I already think pretty highly of you." Kylie said with a wink, causing your pants to grow to maximum tightness. 

The second the plane leveled out and the seatbelt light went off, you unbelted and ran over to where Kendall was sitting next to an already sleeping Cara, the Thriller book held firmly in front of your crotch. 

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