Chapter 1:The Dream Squad

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(and now that you have all red the Prologue and whatever causes the multiversal damage and because I would use it as a excuse to start stepping up my angst writing to the test I think it's time to meet the Dream squad!)

Day came as the sun rose up above in all its glory to show a beautiful Blue and sundown type of sky to show its golden and Blue colors mix between every color iluminating from the light of the sky and Sun sat, crystal clear waters around the realm like a mirror to reflect the view up above same has been said with the island all around the realm with a few far away back than the other few islands many used for there own purposes aswell as housed and taken over by there own people

In the middle of all of the island lay upon a large island rich with exotic animals and such abundant full of life and full of space for other people to live in, as the waters hit the shore of the sandy beach lay upon them was a large wooden beach house near the beachy shore of the realm were housed and lived upon were the Dream team

Dream slept peacefully in his bed like a baby he turned to face the window were the sun softly kissed him in his face but even with the suns blinding Ray of light it didn't even stir the guardian of its sleep until a loud crash came from the kitchen and a few shouting insults that had made its way in his ear the irritating yells getting louder following suit by plates smashing in the floor he groaned hiding himself in the coverse fully awake now he couldn't help but get up already since he was already awake scratch that woken up..

"Another day another joy full of peace and no brother mocking me, such a beautiful morning"

He said to himself as he started to stretch his body out hearing a satisfying crack and pop of his bones along with a shiver down up his spine caused by the chilly winter morning getting out of his room and heading down the stairs he softly yawned hearing the loud ruckus downstairs were probably Sun and Swad are arguing on how they look like a ripoff of eachother since they both looked identical if it weren't for some differences he looked at the ruckes in the kitchen seeing yep indeed Sun and Swad throwing there only leftover plates at eachother arguing again looking at the table he could see a very busy looking Delusion taking a sip of his coffee eyes glued to his laptop and a pile of neatly settled papers beside him with him clutching some in his hands classic Delusion and in the side he could clearly see his two favourite friends next to ink and Blue which is a giant goldfish in a tank and a small bee in a neat looking terrarium hanging near the side of the window with the added pots of jasmine, Daffodil and African Violets both completely not minding the morning watching Sun and Swad bicker he could also see Honey bee eating some necter and honey filled with a peice of bread since he is a bee and a Dream so he could see him eating sweet stuff he started to walk over planning to make himself some PB&J, nearly tripping on Delusions dog he manages to not actually hurt or step on the puppy catching himself up he just watched as the puppy actively jump on him giving him some morning kisses and puppy breath surprisingly it doesn't smell bad

"Good morning to you too Champion how have you been"

Dream chuckled as he heard champions owner call to him with a yell

"Champion! Don't bother Dream! Bad dog! "

He scolded as Champion gave Delusion the puppy face as if he did nothing wrong well he is a puppy and proceed to run to his owner giving him his morning kisses via dog breath and saliva ew Delusion proceed to try and take his puppy off his lap giving myself the chance to go to the fridge to get some of the things he wanted and started to take out two pieces of bread out and proceed to spread the peanut butter and jam in two of the bread hearing a soft splash of water and buzzing wings beside me looking to my left I can see both Sunfish and Honey bee staring at me with a smile

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