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"Hey! Shit happens Dont let it get the best of you! Mistakes are easily resolved it'll just blow over right?!"

Then she was pushed to death.
A young boy with His camera standing there. He droped as she suddenly hit the floor.

"B-b-b-basil." The dark haired boy said. On the top of the stairs as he feel into tears.

What do I do basil thought. Basil bit on his fringes trying to do something with the scared sad boy.

I am screw! Why did I do that?! Will he tell? Am I gonna die! They boy thought crying bursting into tears as he also looked at the afraid scared confused also tearful eyed boy.

The body of the girl at the bottom of the stairs. Blood everywhere.

The rest of the night the boys were both not forgiven. The thoughts threw basil's head and the sleepless nights and the thoughts of death.
Sunny sleeping all time rembmering when they were kids were he had his sister and never knew anything and never killed this sister. Giving himself a fake disguise and name. And thoughts if death and especially the dead soul of Mari hanuting him.

After all the others friends and them split up.

Aubrey now bullying basil. Sunny ignoring basil's feelings. Kel trying to protect basil from Aubrey and talking about they should stop and stuff. Hero being off at collage and still sad and depressed of his crush mari's death the sister of sunny.

Are you sure that's what you wanted?

Echoed in both boys heads as they meet again.

(Sorry it's short I'm slow on updates with school and cramming up all my stuff and I sleep some hours but must awake but I have strict parents with a timer that completely shuts off my phone lol.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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