chapter 17: you were my flower

Start from the beginning

It was a black suit, with a small chain hanging from the front pocket. He paired it with a white collared button up and black trousers with a belt. He had been to scared to wear it until the very last minute he had to go, as he was clumsy and just knew he'd spill something on it or damage it any other way.

Once it had hit 5:30, George had put on the suit. He took a look at himself in his full length mirror he had never bothered looking at himself in, and not to seem full of himself but he thought he looked quite dapper and handsome.

Thoughts then consumed his brain. He would have loved to have Dream see him in something like this, especially since all the outfits he had described himself wearing to Dream had been casual and not that interesting. He took one last look at the phone, praying again that he wouldn't miss a phone call, and then once more that Dream was okay.

He made his way to the car and drove over to The Minx, which was perched on top of a small hill and (to his dismay) had paid valet parking. He chose to park his car himself near the front, so it was faster to get to and he didn't have to pay anything. He must have been early because he had not seen any of the Soot family anywhere, so he sat down on one of the benches to wait for them.

He watched the cars that would pass by, giving their keys to a valet parking worker and walking toward the restaurant in their best clothes and jewels. He wondered what kind of lives they had and why they could afford to eat at such place. Wives in their silkiest of dress clutching the arms of husbands with the most bejeweled watches. He wondered how happy they could be with all that money.

George busied himself with observing, until he got to the third car in the valet line, where two brothers stepped out, one with his wife and kid. It was Wilbur and his family, looking fancier than they had ever seen them before. He couldn't even fathom the cost of Niki's dress, which sparkled in the last of the sun before it set as she was helped out the car by Wilbur, who was looking great himself. Techno had appeared to have gotten a haircut, and even Tommy was in a suit and acting on his best behavior.

Wilbur handed his keys to the Valet man, and led his family over to the revolving door near where George sat, "George!" Wilbur greeted excitedly, giving him a hug. "Looking fresh, mate. Have you gone inside yet?"

"No," George played with the sleeve of the white button up that was exposed under the black suit, "I was waiting for you guys, actually."

"Oh well then, let's go on in." Wilbur suggested but Tommy was already ahead of him, playing with the revolving door. Niki made her way to get him to stop but ended up having to chase him through the spinning door on a different panel as he laughed and kept the door spinning.

George walked in after Tommy and Niki had finished their hilarious chase around the door. The restaurant looked like a mini cathedral, with paintings of angels and other such beautiful scenery surrounding him. The chandeliers held real wax candles that illuminated the restaurant in the most perfect way, leaving his face in a yellowish glow.

Wilbur spoke with one of the people at the reservation lectern, who nodded at him continuously before checking his book for Wilbur's name. After a while, Wilbur gestured for them to follow the man to their table, which was circular with a white tablecloth and a spinning glass circle within it for food.

After the party had sat down, the waiter informed them he'd be back in a bit to ask them what drinks they would like. "This place is cool but it looks old, Dad." Tommy said as he played with the handkerchief on his plate, which had been folded into a swan.

"That's because it is old, it has been up since 1916." Wilbur informed his son, who instead of being impressed looked disappointed that it had been an older place. Tommy continued fidgeting with his handkerchief, making Niki laugh as she hugged him from the side. Techno sat casually, looking over the menu.

Flowers from 1970// reuploaded Where stories live. Discover now