chapter five (final battle/ending)

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Once Logan got to the sokovia church he went underground where Ultron's hideout is and found Natasha looked in a cell

Logan: Natasha

Natasha: Logan

Logan: are you alright

Natasha: yeah

Logan: the teams in the city  it's about to light up

Natasha: I don't suppose you found a key laying around here

(Logan pulls out his claws )

Logan: yeah I did 

(As he slices the door off its hinchs getting Natasha out )

Natasha: so what's our play

Logan: well first we get the hell out of this place and join the team outside and fight about a dozens of robots

Natasha: sounds like a plan  but first
(She grabs Logan and pulls him into a kiss) that's for saving me

Logan: always

(As we hear Tony over the coms )

Iron man : Romanoff  you and Howlett better not be playing hide the banana

Black widow: relax shell head  not all of us can fly

(As we see Natasha and Logan in a big truck mowing down Ultron's minion robots as they meet up with everyone)

Black widow: where the drill

Iron man: thats the drill (pointing to the metal thing in the middle of the church)
If Ultron gets his hands on the core we lose

(As hulk comes in smashing the robots )

Thor: is that the best you can do

(As ultron calls thousand more minion bots running towards them)

Captain america: you had to ask

Ultron: this is the best I can do this is exactly what I wanted all of you against all of me how can you possibly hope to stop me

Iron man: like the old man said together

(As hulk roars as all the robots run towards them as Logan slashes all the robots he can to bits as hulk smashes them and Natasha shoots them and Clint shot his arrows and Laura was slashes them along side Logan as ultron came in and fight vision  and with visions mind stone beam and Tony and thor's lighting was able to melt Ultron's vibranium suit)

Ultron: you know with the benefit of hindsight

(As hulk punches him so hard he flies off to the other side of the city which is also flying up as shield helicarrier to rescue citizens still in the city and his robot minions try to leave)

Thor their trying to leave the city

Iron man: we can't let not even one  Rhodey

War machine: on it

Captain america: we got to move out even i can tell the air is thick  you guys get to the boats I'll sweep for stragglers

Hawkeye: what about the core

Scarlett witch: I'll protect it  it's my job

Hawkeye: nat Logan 

Logan: okay come on Laura

(As the four of them get into one of the abandoned cars to get to the helicarrier with Clint driving)

Hawkeye: I know what i need to do the dining room  if I knock out that east wall it'd make a nice workspace for Laura huh  put up some baffling
She can't hear the kids running around
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