“Okay, let’s wrap this up,” Harry said, clapping his hands together. “We don’t want little Zack’s first memory to be his parents snogging in front of him.

            “He’s sleeping for your information,” I said, a grin present on my face. He rolled his eyes in response.

            “Yep, he’s definitely our kid,” Alex responded. I chuckled a little bit, causing Zack to stir in his sleep.

“Here, why don’t you take Zack, and I’ll go down to get the car seat, so we can out of this place,” I said.

            “That’s the best idea you’ve had all day,” Alex said, happily taking Zack from my arms. “I can’t wait to get out of this place; you guys know how I feel about hospitals.”

            “We know Alex, we know,” everyone said. Let’s just say that she’s been reminding them every time one of them walks through the door. I can’t blame her though. I’m not a big fan of hospitals either. Let’s face it; we don’t exactly have the best luck with hospitals. There was the time when Alex and I were both in the hospital. Even though that was when we both found out she was pregnant, it was still a miserable experience. I was sick that entire week. Then there was the time that the doctor made me go on a diet. Oh my god, that was the worst experience of my life. Plus, there were all those doctor’s appointments, where we had to sit in the waiting room for hours, bored out of our skulls. I was still there with her though; I promised her that I was going to be at every doctor’s appointment, and I kept my word.

Alex’s P.O.V.

            Niall left to go get the car seat, and I was staring down at Zack, entering my own little world.

            “What are you thinking about sis?” Harry asked, interrupting my train of thought. “I know that face. You only make that face when you’re deep in thought; so what’s up?”

            “Oh, I’m just trying to determine who Zack looks like the most,” I answered truthfully. It’s hard to tell, because he has so many traits from both of us.

            “I think he looks more like Niall,” Liam said. Dani and Louis agreed with him.

            “No, I think he looks more like Alex,” Harry responded. Zayn and Perrie agreed with him.

            “Well thanks guys, now we have a tie,” I replied sarcastically. “Looks like you’re the deciding vote El.”

            “Oh hell no,” El shot out. “I’m not choosing who my godson looks like more. Nope, I’m not doing it.”

            “Traitor,” Louis mumbled under his breath. Everyone heard it though, and El shot him a really scary glare. Note to self, don’t piss Eleanor off.

            “He looks like both of you guys,” El continued. You think El? “He has your hair, ears, and obviously your smile. But at the same time, he has Niall’s complexion, nose, and most importantly, his eyes.”

            “So basically, he’s the sexiest baby to ever live?” I heard an all too familiar Irish accent ask. I smiled when I looked up to see Niall, who was standing in the doorway with a car seat in his hands. The girls giggled, and the guys shared their fair amount of banter with each other. They were so childish sometimes…okay, all the time. “So did you miss me babe?”

            “Only, like, every second of the whole ten minutes you were gone,” I said, letting out a fake gasp. “Girls, what did I ever do without thee Niall Horan in my life?”

            They could tell I was playing along as a fan girl, and decided to play along.

            “I don’t know; that’s like asking me what would I do without Louis Tomlinson,” El said in a high-pitched voice, waving her hands in front of her face. The other girls followed, repeating similar lines for Zayn and Liam.

            “Don’t worry girls, there’s plenty of us to go around,” Harry remarked, earning laughs from all four of us. The boys just scowled at us, and mumbled under their breath.

            “Oh, come here babe,” I said, holding my one free arm open.

            “Only because I love you,” Niall pouted, entering my embrace, and placing a kiss on my cheek. He placed the car seat on the bed, which I placed Zackary in. “He does look really cute when he’s sleeping.”

            “Yeah, but that’s because that’s how you look when you sleep,” I commented, making him blush. He cleared his throat, to hide any embarrassment he was feeling.

            “So are you ready to face the world as parents?” Niall asked, smiling, and intertwining our hands.

            “As long as you’re by my side,” I commented.

            “Always,” Niall said. We kissed each other on the lips, and made our way out of the hospital, and out into the world.

Let There Be Love: Sequel to We Found Love (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now