Marcel: yes Elijah what do you need since this is you're like I don't know 20th time coming here looking for Savannah

Elijah: I won't ask you again where is she

Marcel: why do you want to know why do you need her so much

Elijah: that is my business

Marcel: she is my friend so it is my business

Elijah: well you seem to treat her as more than a friend (says)

Marcel looks at him before getting a phone calls


Cami: Marcel its Savannah she's getting Chase in the bayou by witches we have to help her

Marcel: okay I'm on my way (says and hangs up, he looked up to see Elijah gone) damn it

He says before leaving

With Savannah she was hiding behind a tree as the witches past her she then went behind them and started killing them, she didn't see one behind her ready to kill her when someone already did for her

Savannah jumped up to see Cami

Savannah:Cami (says and hugs her)

Cami: hey are you okay

Savannah: yeah now that you're here

Cami: there's more of them (says putting Savannah behind her)

The Witches were coming but everything stopped they look to see them already dead and two people came out of the open and it was Marcel and Elijah

Savannah:marcel (says and hangs him)

Marcel: hey it's okay I got you (says hugging her)

She looked at Elijah

Elijah: I believe we need to talk Savannah

They looked at him

At marcel's place

Elijah: you telling me you been pregnant this long without telling me

Cami: she didn't really have a choice when it was a matter of life and death for her and her child

Elijah: our child I can't believe you keep this secret from me this baby is a Mikaelson and it deserves to be with its real family

Savannah: I'm sorry what cami marcel josh Davina are her family not just a Mikaelson

Elijah:her (looks at her)

Savannah: yes I'm having a girl (says)

Elijah: we are having a girl (tells her) it's our child so I get to have a say in this

Savannah: and what makes you think you can protect us, you failed at protecting Hayley and her child and look what that got you guys

Elijah: Savannah things are different now she was pregnant with klaus's child I promise that this baby will not come with no harm

Savannah: I don't believe it (says)

Elijah: how long have you been pregnant and how long have you known

Savannah: one to two months (says)

Elijah:(looks at her) that's how long you kept this from me were you trying to hide this pregnancy from you or something

Savannah: Elijah the witches are threatening my babies life and with everything going on with the vampires and werewolves why would I just come out in the open and say I'm pregnant an endangered me and the child

Elijah: like I said before I will protect you

Savannah: I think you should leave


Savannah: leave (says)

Elijah:(looks at her) fine but tomorrow we will talk about this (says and leaves)

Cami: are you okay Savannah

Savannah: I will be when I get some rest (says and goes to her room)

Cami: marcel

Marcel: let's let her get some rest she had a rough night (says)

Cami:(nods) I'll see you tomorrow

Marcel nods and she leaves, Marcel went to Savannah's room to see her now sleeping with different clothes on he closed her door before doing his own thing for the night

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