Chapter 17

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Just as I'm washing the bedding, Jake appears in the doorway. "Hey, you don't need to do that." he says as he takes the cloth from my hand. "Can we not just put it in a washing machine?" I laugh at his confusion. 

"I can't get the cover off the duvet so I just wash it like this. You can if you want to, I do have a washing machine." He grins and pulls the cover off with ease. 

"Okay, lead me to the washing machine." I point him into the kitchen where he stuffs it into the small machine and turns it on. "And it shall be clean!" He grins before his face falls as he looks at me. "What's wrong?" 

"He's so ill.." Jake hugs me carefully. 

"This is completely normal, Brooke, people can just catch something and end up ill. I know it's probably strange but it's just normal. Anyway, how was the appointment?"

"Did you not ask Whip?"

"Well it wasn't his appointment was it?" He asks as he leads me to the sofa.

"It was okay. They're doing some kind of procedure at some point in time." 

"Okay, how do you feel about it?" 

"It's better than a big operation but it's unlikely that it will work." 

"But just imagine if it does!" he grins, making me laugh. "Are you hungry?" I shake my head. 

"Can I go back to him?" 

"He's asleep Brooke, he doesn't need looking after right now and we all know you need to rest. That's probably why he wanted me here, so I could force you to rest. I'm going to get you some food." I shake my head.

"I can do it." I pull myself to my feet but end up on the floor quickly as my ankle slides. Jake is immediately by my side. 

"You're okay." he mutters until he looks at my ankle. I smile awkwardly through the pain. 

"Can you get me some ice?" He nods, looking concerned. "I'm fine." He comes back quickly and I ease it back into place, my eyes tightly shut. Finally it's back and I smile up at Jake. 

"I'm good. Are we going to get food now?" He nods slowly. 

"How do you even do that?"

"You get used to it. Food?" 

"But that normally has people crying at the beach.." 

"Yes, Jake but I'm not normal am I? And you would have panicked more if I'd have made noise wouldn't you? My ankle dislocates and I have to be the one who's calm." He shakes his head as he hugs me. 

"You don't always have to be unbreakable. I'm sure Chap's told you this before but you don't have to pretend with us. As much as it's not our normal, we can learn and you never have to hide what you're really feeling just because we're here." 

"Thank you. It's just hard.. I don't mean to snap at you guys but you are the first people who've ever stayed long enough to see it all." He seems to notice my words slurring as he helps me onto the sofa. 

"Stay there, sleep if you want to and I'll get you food." I nod as my eyes drift shut.

I wake as I hear Chap's voice, almost shouting "What's wrong with her?" Jake tries to pacify him. 

"She's only sleeping. Her ankle went and now she's asleep. She's okay. You need to rest." I prise my eyes open and find them standing in the doorway. I force myself to sit up as they see me. Chap stumbles towards the sofa and pulls me to him. Luckily my shoulders don't dislocate because he wouldn't be able to deal with the guilt.  "I love you." he whispers as I pull away. 

"If you don't sleep you're not going to get better." I tell him as Jake kneels on the floor next to me. 

"And neither will you Brooke. You both need to recover so you're both going to bed and staying there. But first you need to eat something." I don't mention that I will never 'recover'. He hands me a plate with a sandwich on it. "I didn't know what you wanted." Chap watches us carefully but he really isn't himself.

"Chap. You need to go to bed now. I'll come to see you when I finish this." He nods as Jake practically carries him. I don't understand why he fluctuates so much. Jake arrives back soon after, smiling. "He's asleep. You can relax now." 

"Why is he like that?" He looks confused for a second, as if searching for an explanation. 

"Okay so you know when you get really tired or whatever and you slur words and your brain works slowly?" I nod, "He's basically in that state right now. To be honest, this is him trying to deal with living like you but not with as much pain. So he really does just forget what he's doing. Do you have a spare room?" I nod again. "Why don't you stay in there? I can keep an eye on both of you but he won't disturb you if he wakes." I laugh slightly.

"Do you know how much I sleep?" He shakes his head, "I'm lucky if I can sleep for 4 hours a night. Somehow I think it'll be me waking him." 

"Is that why you're so tired all the time? Sorry you don't have to answer all my questions, it's just useful to know stuff so we can help." 

"It's fine but no, I'm tired because fatigue is part of the illness. To be honest, anyone with chronic pain struggles to sleep. Apparently EDS does something to adrenaline levels and they fluctuate so we don't sleep as well either. So you should never have a sleepover with me there." He grins. 

"We'll remember that. Most of the guys don't like early mornings." 

"Well at least it means I can come to work with you guys." 

"Yeah, because that went so well last time."

"You don't need to worry, Jake. I'm okay, really." He smiles. 

"I know you are. You're amazing."

"I only do what I have to do. You'd do the same." He hugs me carefully. 

"Just take the compliment." He laughs as he pulls away. "Are you okay to walk to your room?" I nod and he hands me the crutches. "Chap's still asleep so we'll just go to the spare room." I nod but he watches me carefully, oviously remembering the last time I told him I was okay to walk. Once I sit on the bed, he relaxes slightly. "Okay, I'll stay on the sofa so if you need me just shout and I'll be here. I'll come check on you both every now and then too." 

"Just sleep, we'll get you if we need to." He nods slowly. 

"Okay. Night Brooke." 

"Goodnight Master Jake." He grins before shutting the door carefully. I hope Chap's better tomorrow..

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