He say making his way towards Wanda as she looks concerned at what her friend is about to ask her to do.

Vision: ... Something similar to its own signature, perhaps...

What he did next confused everyone in the room, Vision looked directly at (Y/N).

Vision: ... It's molecular integrity could fail.

Everyone looked between Vision and (Y/N) confused as Vision looked directly at (Y/N), (Y/N) was just as confused as everyone else as he looked behind him to make sure Vision was defiantly talking to him.

(Y/N): You talking to me?

Vision: There is still much to you that not even you understand.

Vision said quietly to (Y/N), everyone heard him say something but couldn't hear everything, (Y/N) was even more confused but when Vision moved (Y/N)'s chin up and made (Y/N) look into the Mind stone, (Y/N) felt the same feeling he felt when he looked into Loki's scepter on the S.H.I.E.L.D's helicarrier, he felt the power in it and the need to control said power, after about 3 seconds Vision turned away and broke (Y/N) out his trance.

(Y/N) shook his head trying to knock himself out of it as Rebecca and the others looked at him worried.

Vision: Thanos threatens half the universe. One life cannot stand in the way of defeating him.

Steve: But it should. We don't trade lives, Vision.

Vision: Captain, 70 years ago, you laid down your life... 

Vision started to make his way towards Steve as Steve walked towards Vision.

Vision: ... To save how many millions of people? Tell me, why is this any different?

They both stopped when they were face to face, everyone watched the scene as (Y/N) was still trying to work out what that feeling inside him was just now, all tho the idea of him wielding all the Infinity stones and having Venom seemed like a very powerful and fun thing to have, it probably won't end well for anyone involved.

Bruce: Because you might have a choice.

Bruce spoke up knocking (Y/N) out of his thoughts and back towards the conversation. Rebecca noticed this and decided to see what is up with him.

Rebecca: What's wrong? You've been acting weird since you got here.

(Y/N): I'm fine.

(Y/N) said clearly lying but she let it go as Bruce continued his moment.

Bruce: Your mind is made up of a complex construction of overlays. Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, me, the stone. All of them mixed together, all of them learning from one another. 

Wanda: You're saying Vision isn't just the stone?

Bruce: I'm saying that if we take out the stone... there's still a whole lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts.

Nat: Can we do that?

Bruce: Not me, not here.

(Y/N): I could.

Everyone looked to (Y/N) as he looked down to the ground seemingly thinking about what needs to be done.

Wanda: You can?

(Y/N) looked around the room to see all eyes on him again but instead of confusion and a little annoyance he sees hope in their eyes.

(Y/N): Yeah, I mean not here, but you get me a lab that has the tools and I'll get it out in about 5 minutes tops.

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