Part 1

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"Your eyes are like the stars."

The star like eyes widen after that sentence is being blurted out by the brunet in front of him who is approaching him by taking wide strides, and Giorno immediately tries to reconfirm what he just heard, "pardon?"

"Stars. Your eyes are like stars, no matter how many times I stare into them. So dazzlingly pretty," Mista's calloused hand reaches out to caress Giorno's cheek, where the blonde instantly purrs in his hand and he smiles, "thanks for the compliment, but I'm sure that not all stars are blue in color."

The gunslinger chuckles and he leans closer while still caressing him, "so what? As long as I believe I'm staring at stars whenever I stare at your eyes."

"You flattered me," with how close their faces are, Giorno is tempted to just kiss Mista on the lips and join him in the same bed, "and I believe that you still owe me the report of your last mission with Narancia."

Mista's head immediately lowers and Giorno chuckles when the brunet sighs, "and I thought I can get away from paperwork if I praise you more."

"You already have the privilege of submitting your report without the usual format unlike the others, so just do it already."

"Geez, can't we just skip this report thing and let me romance you in bed, GioGio?"

The situation becomes awkward quickly when the both of them realize that they are not the only ones in the room, where Fugo quickly clears his throat and reminds them in a very loud voice, "do I have to remind you both that there are others in this office?!"

"Wait, why are you here, Fugo?"

"You were the one that barged into the office and interrupted my report with Don Giorno here! I know you are the underboss and everything, but do you have to make this hard for everyone?!"

"Oh come on, Fugo, relax a little! Why are you this mad anyway? Is Sheila on her period or something?"


"Come on Mista, you know you shouldn't tease this virgin Fugo like this."

Fugo looks like he is going to explode with how red his face becomes, "first off, I'm not a virgin. Secondly, there's no relation between my temper and Sheila's period."

Mista makes a face while Giorno chuckles from witnessing his face expression, "gross, I don't want to know about your sex life."

"And no one wants to know about the both of you! Just one time I followed the both of you for a quick visit to the capo in Rome and you two horny bastards can't even tone down your moans!"

"Well, I think you can put down your report on my table. I need to have a word with my underboss without any interruptions ."

Fugo groans and quickly exits the office after slamming his supposed report on the desk, and right after the door is closed, Mista grins at the blonde and says, "I didn't lie about your eyes being like the stars thing though, I'm serious."

"I remember Guido Mista as someone that focuses on actions rather than words, so why are you being so poetic today?" His eyebrow raises a little before he pulls the brunet's collar and kisses him on the lips passionately, where Mista returns the kiss as passionately as he can. Giorno really misses him in the past week Mista was gone, and right now he just wants to show how much he loves him with this kiss, but of course a kiss is never enough.

Soon their hands roam each other's back, and Giorno is glad that he made the decision to get a huge sofa bed for his office, since this is one of the main reasons he can fully utilize it.


Both panting for their breaths, Giorno finally plops down on the bed beside the brunet and he cuddles with him, where Mista wraps an arm around the blonde's waist while he stares at his eyes again, "your eyes are really like stars."

"Does this mean I have a dark face? Stars can only be seen on a night sky," Mista laughs a little at the little joke and he twirls at one of Giorno's stray hair and grins, "screw that, you look more like the sun. And since the sun is also a star, doesn't that mean you are a star?"

Giorno smiles and he pecks on Mista's cheek before saying, "anyway, welcome back. I really miss you."

"Yeah, I miss you too," Mista pets Giorno's head and when someone knocks on the door, the brunet groans and shouts, "we are busy! Come back later!"

And without any further warning, the door is opened and Mista gets up while Giorno sighs from having to get dressed to face any intruder, "I don't care how busy you are, but you should get something to eat soon-" the pinkette who is none other than Trish Una stops in her tracks when she realized the both of them fucked again in the office with how Mista is very naked and Giorno who is hurrying to get dressed screams in frustration, "at least lock the goddamn door! Or do it in your bedroom!" And she finally turns around to avoid looking at the couple.

"Hey! I shouted that we are busy, but you still have to open the door, huh?" Giorno chuckles and passes Mista's clothes to him, "get dressed. We should probably get a meal before Buccierati rants at us for skipping meal time."

"Oh right! It's dinner!" They are finally dressed and when Giorno pats on Trish's shoulder, she jumps a little before he laughs a little, "relax. We are presentable now."

"I should never have agreed to be your secretary. Now I have to put up with the two of you possibly fucking at every chance you both have."

"Love is the better word than fuck," Mista hooks his arm around Giorno's and grins, "I just realized how hungry I am! My stomach won't stop making noises."

"Wait Mista, can you check if my hair is not messed up?" The both of them stop walking and Mista quickly stares at Giorno's hair and tucks away a hair strand, "looking good, mi amore. "

"You don't look half bad, my Hyacinth."

"I don't know what that is but I'll take that, my star."

"Can you both stop being so lovey dovey and get your asses moving before Bruno blames me if Giorno complains about having a stomach ache after a late dinner?!"

Mista grins and he winks at Trish, "we did move our asses a lot, earlier," her face turns pale and shouts, "fuck this, I quit!"

"Oh come on, I don't think I can find another secretary that can get used to our jokes and love life," a sound of a huge explosion and an earthquake tear Mista away from the don, where he quickly gets his pistol out and shouts, "the both of you, get away from the explosion, and I'll take care of this quickly!"

And despite how much Giorno wants to spend more peaceful time with his lover, he knows he will have more excuses to reward him after he gets some jobs done, "be quick, and I will reward you handsomely, Mista."

Knowing he can stare at the stars of the love of his life more later, he grins and dashes towards where he thinks the enemies are at, "on it!"

Your eyes are like starsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum