Ch. 1: A Jail Full of Pain

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A/n: Actually just got the game for my switch and then came up with this fic idea. Hope you like it!

For story purposes, my p5 royal book will be considered the main canon over the original, as it is too much work for me personally to re-write it to fit p5s actual canon.

Ren walked to Leblanc, where his friends waited for him and also his ex, who mentioned visiting him over the summer. The cafe was silent as he walked in, but then the lights snapped on and confetti landed on Ren, "Surprise!! Welcome home!!" He smiled at them and asked, "Where's Y/n?" Ann told him, "Said she had something to do with her best friend. Something important with their job." Ren nodded, only slightly upset he wouldn't be able to see his ex, 'Our break up was mutual, but why the sudden flaking out?'

"I win! I only flunked one final!" Ann cheered, making Makoto sigh, "You two are the same as always. Can't you at least take your classes a bit more seriously?" Futaba teased, "Watch out, Miss President's gonna unleash her fists of justice!" Makoto huffed, "Geez... Will you please forget about that already?" Morgana changed the subject for Makoto's sake, "So is college life all it's cracked up to be?"

Makoto responded, "Yes, it's going well. I've been using the time to take care of the core curriculum." Haru replied, "I've been busy as well. It's also fun though, I've learned how to selectively breed certain vegetables." Yusuke asked of her results, making Futaba remark, "Wait-aren't you in the management program, though?" Haru nodded, "Yes, but they also allow you to take courses outside of your own programs. It's been so fun learning about the different soil nutrients and yield..."

"Guh. That'd put me to sleep in a minute flat..." Morgan chimed, then Makoto asked Futaba about school, "Mweheheh, too easy! At this rate the only hellish parts are the commute and P.E.!" Ren praised her, "That's pretty impressive." Futaba relished in it while flushing a light pink, "Uh-huh, uh-huh! Praise me more, keep it comin'!" Ryuji then asked Ren, "We're all more curious about you. You doin' okay back home?" Ren replied, "It's nice, and I'm managing." Makoto nodded, "Seems like you'd be fine, no matter where you ended up. Hearing you say it, is still a relief though."

Ryuji then complained about the dullness, now that Ren was gone and how gettin' into trouble wasn't the same anymore, "It's only natural. He's our leader after all!" Futaba blurted, and Ann chimed in agreement, "Aw, guys. I'm blushing here." Ren commented making Ryuji say, "Heheh! Once a phantom thief, always a phantom thief!" They continued to talk until Sojiro called, "Curry's done! It's coming up hot so back away and clear the floor!"

Sojiro walked up the stairs arms full of hot plates with curry, and placed them onto the table, then they began discussing plans for their summer vacation, and the new software EMMA. "It's the hottest new app. It's already got millions of downloads. We can use it to find camping supplies." Ren nodded and left for Shibuya with Ryuji, where they were interrupted by a shop's grand opening of the new Alice clothing line, "Let's go check it out." Ryuji pulled Ren over, and they caught sight of Y/n in the crowd, on her tippy toes trying to see a woman on the stage with Alice, a dull and lifeless look in her hazel eyes.

"Oh, hey guys. You see that girl up there by Alice?" She pointed at the dull-eyed girl, shaking her head she explained, "That's my best friend, Michiaki Chisaka. I've been worried about her for the last year, she's been acting like she's dead inside, and I know that's not her." Ren was distressed by Y/n's problem, but by the time he was going to say something, Alice had concluded her ceremony and had Michiaki hand out her special cards. "Thank you for coming." She blankly said to Ren and handed him the card walking away to another shortly after.

Ryuji peeked at the card, "So she handed you one, let's go check it out away from this crowd." The three left the crowd and opened EMMA, inputting the friend code but were transported to a Palace-esqe area, and in their phantom thieves outfits.

"What the hell? Why are we, what even is this place?" Y/n asked as they saw a shadow version of Michiaki, "Gather every last one of them! Those desires are what the monarch demands and I shall not have her throw me away like trash!!" The surrounding shadows obeyed and ripped the desires from the chests of the guys from the crowd, and they turned to the trio. "Seize their desires! Don't anger the monarch or the advisor!!" The shadows called and revealed their true forms making the trio + Mona ready themselves for a fight.

"Kisaki!" Y/n called, and used Mabufu to destroy the shadows in one swoop, "Your turn, Joker!" She shouted and handed her turn over to Ren, "Got it, showtime!" He called, jumping into the air he called out Arsene, "There!" He directed wiping out the shadows similarly to Y/n. Wave after wave of reinforcements arrived, making them fall back, "There! Head for that alley!" Y/n shouted, and ran off leaving her friends to follow, "Follow Nightmare!" Morgana called as they fled, "The metaverse, apparently." Y/n gasped out.

"This feels more akin to a Jail, but okay let's stick with Palace." Y/n chimed as Morgana explained, "I don't know what's going on, but you saw that shadow right?" Y/n nodded, "That was Michiaki's shadow. But why, now how did she get like this? Warped beyond recognition?" Morgana explained, "It didn't feel like her real shadow though. More like an imitative puppet Alice's shadow created, as a way to feel more powerful." Y/n asked, "So there's a chance that isn't really Michiaki and that she's also a victim like those other guys?"

Morgana nodded, "It's highly likely that's the case. Based on what you've told us, Michiaki doesn't seem like the type of girl to be easily warped cognitively in the Metaverse." Y/n grit her teeth, "I'll make Alice repent. She doesn't have the right to do this to people, much less someone as nice and kind as Michi." They began running off until they were caught, "Well, well. If it isn't the pathetic whelps who bothered to try and sneak in here." Shadow Michiaki remarked, bending down to Nightmare's level she commented, "You remind me of someone...ah yes, that pathetic little bitch who I actually bothered to call my best friend. She's too weak to be associated with me though, so I'll do to you what I plan to her!"

Shadow Michiaki almost started torturing Nightmare, until Shadow Alice appeared, "Enough, Aki. I'll handle them myself, go make sure that the rest of our domain is in order." Shadow Michiaki chuckled, "As you wish, Monarch." She strutted off, leaving a shaking and pissed off Nightmare behind, "You look badass." She approached a seething Nightmare, "What's your name?" She asked but was ignored, in retaliation she kicked Nightmare onto her side, heel digging into her hip. "Nightmare!" Morgana cried, making Shadow Alice chuckle, "So that's your name. Come now, Nightmare. You need to answer properly when your Queen asks a question."

Ren shouted, "Stop it, Alice!" She spat at him, "Ugh, would you shut your mouth? Or are you looking for punishment too?" Ren merely glared making Shadow Alice comment, "What a bore. I just stopped caring. Get rid of 'em however." She smirked, "I don't want toys that don't do as they're told." The guards dragged them away and threw them into the sewer, "I'm fine, Skull. What about you, Joker?" Ren nodded, "Fine. Mona?" Morgana nodded, "Miraculously, yes."

Nightmare was silent as they spoke, "I can't help but get the feeling, that Alice's shadow won't let go of Michi's desire. Even if we fight her, she'll make the real Alice apologize, but still keep Michi's desire." They told her to stop worrying, and returned to the real world after meeting Sophia, a girl without memory and with only one direction: Understand the human heart.

Little did they know, that Nightmare was right and Alice's shadow hid Michi's desire in a place only she knew about, and not with the others she'd stolen. "Ufufufu. Even if they save everyone else's, I won't release her." Alice smirked, "Because she's the one I want to be my advisor."
To be Continued...

Repost from my old account. 

Fault [Ren Amamiya x Original Character] [TBD]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang