"My dad." 

"Why did you guys move from San Diego to the Outer Banks?" She asked me, and at this point I was getting fed up with these questions. She didn't need to know why we moved.

"I don't really know what this has to do with my mental health." I answered.

"I'm just trying to get to know you, sweetie." Dr. Garrison smiled and I could tell it was a fake one. If she wanted to get to know me, she could ask me questions about my childhood, if anything traumatic has happened to me as a kid, not about why I moved across the country.

"You know what," I sighed. "I-I don't really think I'm ready to see a therapist yet. My dad set this whole thing up because he thought it would be a good idea, but I don't think I'm ready." I told her. "Thank you anyways, and I'm sorry for wasting your time."

I exited her office, and eventually the building, already regretting my decision on walking out like that. I needed some sort of help and I knew it, yet I couldn't accept any help. Why did I do this to myself? 

My dad would find out that I walked out on my therapist, and I'd be hearing about it at some point, but for the time being, I couldn't go home yet, so I had to do something that would occupy the time slot of what would be an hour long therapy appointment. I knew exactly what to do. 

I headed to Barry's place, eager to try some of his shit. He lived on The Cut, which was on the other side of the island from my house, but it was worth it if this guy was as good Liv said he was. 

I walked up to a property that was trashed. There were random things outside, and the trailer itself looked run down.

I approached the door to the porch of the trailer and an older man, around his forties or fifties stepped out.

"A-Are you Barry?" I asked hesitantly, not knowing what this guy looked like. 

He laughed, shaking his head. "He's inside. What's a princess like you doing here anyways?" He asked me as he now came down the couple steps.

"I-I uh," I hesitated. "I just need to see Barry about something." I said as I walked past him, up the stairs he just came down. I went into the porch and noticed three other guys sitting inside, all of them seeming high out of their mind.

"Who the hell are you?" A dirty blonde haired boy questioned as he approached me. He seemed to be around my age, late teens. He was wearing a light pink t-shirt and khaki shorts. He looked too preppy to be around here.

"I'm looking for Barry." I told him, completely ignoring his question. I didn't know which one of these men could possibly be him, but I knew he wasn't this guy.

"Yo Barry!" The boy exclaimed towards the inside of the trailer.

I looked around the porch, noticing how trashed the place was. There were beer bottles everywhere, random trash, and dust from people doing lines.

"Damn country club," I heard a voice and turned my head to see a man in a white tank top and cargo pants come out of the trailer. "The hell you want now?"

The boy pointed to me and the man looked over at me, a smile creeping up on his face. "Well, well, well," He said as he slowly made his way over to me. "What can I do for you, pretty lady?"

"I uh, I-I'm," I cleared my throat. I was so nervous, especially around all these men. I hated men. "I'm here to buy." I told him quietly.

"How much you need sweetheart?" Barry asked as he tilted his head. 

I went into my pocket and pulled out a twenty dollar bill. I knew it wasn't much, but it was all I had at the moment. "Whatever twenty dollars can get me." I said.

Barry laughed and I furrowed my eyebrows together, wondering what could be so funny. "You know this ain't gon' get you shit, right?"

"Look man," I sighed. "I'm tight on money right now. It's all I got. I'll take anything."

Barry nodded, before taking the twenty dollar bill out from between my fingers, and heading back inside.

I was now left alone with the boy, who was really quite attractive, and two other men who were lost in their own world.

"I've never seen you before. You new here?" The boy asked me as he wiped his nose, which told me he just did a line while Barry and I had a small interaction. I nodded in response, not knowing what to say. He now nodded, and I saw him bite his lip as he looked me up and down.

"Like what you see?" I cocked an eyebrow, messing with the kid. I couldn't believe he was checking me out while I was right in front of him.

"Yeah," He rasped as he nodded. "I do, actually." He said, almost in a low whisper, and I immediately felt chills down my spine.

He was so attractive, there was no denying that. I couldn't let him know that though, I didn't want to feed his ego that I could tell was already big.

"Here ya go, pretty lady." Barry said as he now walked out onto the porch again, interrupting the tension that was between this guy and I. We broke eye contact and I now looked at Barry. "Threw a lil extra in there 'cause you're a first timer." Barry smirked at me as he handed me a clear plastic bag like the one I had.

"Thanks." I smiled, excited to try Barry's shit. He gave me a little more than I was expecting, and I was super grateful since I was tight on money right now.

The two guys continued to look at me, a smirk on the dirty-blond haired guys face, and Barry with his eyebrows raised. I rolled my eyes at how ignorant these guys were. I headed for the door, and as I did, I heard the guy call out to me.

"Hey," He said and I stopped in my tracks and turned my head to look back at him. "I'll see you later."

"Whatever." I scoffed as I rolled my eyes again.

I exited the porch, stuffing the bag into my pocket, and began my walk back to Figure Eight.



here's the first chapter!

i was writing my drew story and decided i needed to write a rafe one as well

if you're here from my drew story, thank you so much for reading my work

if you haven't read my drew story yet, go check it out on my profile

don't forget to vote & comment!!

hope u enjoyed<3

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