"You're the new girl, right?" She said as I was heading for the door to exit and get away from her. I looked at her, not answering the question she asked me. "If you need a new dealer on the island, get with Barry. He'll hook you up with the good shit."

I looked at her, surprised she was helping me out.

"Uh, thanks." I nodded. I didn't know how I'd get into contact with this Barry dude, but that was a later problem. 

I went to go and exit the bathroom again, but she stopped me by talking again. "I'm Liv." She introduced herself and I looked at her again, not understanding why she was trying to talk to me.

"Cool." I nodded, not giving a shit as to who she was.

"Are you here to see Dr. Garrison?"

"Uh, maybe." I said quietly. "H-How did you know?" There were probably other therapists and doctors in this office, how did she know that I was here to see specifically Dr. Garrison?

"I can just tell." She shrugged. "You'll love her. She's so nice."

"Great." I said in a sarcastic tone. 

This girl, Liv, go the hint that I wasn't up for conversation, so she let me know where I could find this Barry guy and she finally let me exit the bathroom. I made a mental note of it, already planning my special trip to try some new coke.

I pushed passed her, exiting the bathroom and going over to the check in counter. Once I checked in, the receptionist gave me a clipboard of new patient paperwork. I dreaded this part about going to a new therapist every time. I sat in the waiting room and began filling out the paperwork. It was all basic questions about myself, and because I was used to filling this kind of stuff out, I breezed through it fairly quick.

A couple minutes after I finished the paperwork, I heard my name being called for me to go back. I followed the person to the back of the building where the offices were, and she dropped me off at the last door.

I stood in the doorway, not knowing whether I could just walk in or not. The young woman at the desk looked up at me and she smiled.

"You must be Scarlett." She noted as she stood up. "I'm Dr. Garrison. Come in, make yourself comfortable." She said as she now walked around her desk as I walked into her office and she closed the door behind me. "It's so nice to meet you." Dr. Garrison smiled as she made her way back over to her desk.

"You too," I faked a smile as I took a seat in front of her desk.

"So, to start, I'm just going to ask you a series of questions, and I want you to give me a percentage on how much you relate to them, okay?" She asked and I nodded in response. "Okay," She sighed as she now looked at her computer before getting started. 

She began to ask me the series of questions which all related to mental health. I had been asked these types of questions before by my previous therapists, these questions meant nothing. After about five minutes, we finished up the questions and Dr. Garrison now wanted to get to know me. I hated this part. 

"You're new to the island, is that correct?" Dr. Garrison asked as she looked down at her clipboard.

"Correct." I nodded.

"And where did you move from?" 

"San Diego." 

"Oh wow, big difference, huh?" She chuckled.

"Sure is." I nodded, not finding any part of this amusing. 

"And can you tell me who you live with?" She now moved on.

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