"Osamuu." I whined, leaning into my boyfriend (because them two being cute makes me sorta love starved), my head hanging back to face him. "Get me onee!"

"Ri- I mean- um." I grinned seeing him stumble on his words. I loved teasing him with marriage. Even though we made that promise a long time ago, he gets all nervous around me. I think something clicked in his head that maybe this is actually happening. Maybe it was Tooru's and Koushi's engagement that made him realise. He cleared his throat, "Not quite yet, dipshit."

"We're really living up to this dipshit pet name, huh?" Tooru joined. I wouldn't call it a pet name, but sure.

"Yes. Yes we are, dipshit."

We continued to talk for at least three hours when Tooru told us he was almost falling asleep. The time difference is gonna be a real pain in the arse. This is what i trained for, my years of staying up till sunrise to decide it's bed time. This moment.
Koushi looked about heartbroken when we closed the laptop, suddenly frowning now that his fiancé had hung up.

I patted him on the back but said nothing. Not like i could really say much... I still haven't learnt how to console people. I swear i was close to saying, 'there there'. I didn't, obviously, but it was close.
Thankfully, Osamu did say something for me, "Get us some souvenirs when you go, wont you." He nudged his arm, giving an encouraging smile. "Preferably food."

"Yeah." He laughed slightly. "Anyway, i'll be going." Sugawar. Holy shit i swear i'll get it right. Koushi suddenly jumped up, grabbing his laptop from the fairly new table and tucking it under his arms.

"Already?" Asked Osamu, sounding quite disappointed. "You can stay longer, you know."

"Yeah yeah. But i promised Daichi i'd swing by. Iwaizumi has been busy with everything so.."

Yeah, no shit. "How is Iwaizumi? Do you know?"
Iwaizumi, also known as precious Iwa-chan, probably got the worst of it all. He got watched Tooru grow from just a child into the amazing idiot he is today. It must be rough, but i bet he's still stupidly proud of his best friend. More than he admits. And he admitted it a whole lot.

"He's coping better than us if i'm being honest." Koushi chuckled to himself. "Just needing some time to himself. Though he's be back and stronger than ever within a few days, watch him."
I believed that with a passion.

Koushi left not long after this conversation. Osamu sighed, practically collapsing onto the couch with his arms out wide. "So many things are changing. It's so weird."

"It's call growing up." I joined him on the couch, resting my head on his chest and arms on his stomach. "You should know that more than me."

"Just because i'm more mature than you, doesn't mean i'm used to actually being an adult. Like, look at us. Two years ago i felt like a child with no goals in life."
Which is quite sad, because two years ago he was still 16 and should have totally known at least a little about his goals in life...

And yet, "You *were* a kid with no goals in life."

"And now? I'm having to grow up."
I stayed silent for a bit. Not really because i didn't know what to say. Just because it felt fitting. I listening to his heart beat during that small silence. Tapping my finger on his stomach in the beat.

Yeah, things are changing. And yeah, i should be scared. I thought i would've been fucking terrified if i'm being honest. But when it all started, when the pressure and fear started pushing through the door, i managed to stay afloat more than i, or anyone who knew me, would've ever thought.

When the silence felt long enough, i finally did reply. "At least we're growing up together. It's not like we're too immature or anything."

"Yeah, that's right. At least i'm certain about one thing. You."
I laughed a bit at his cringy comment. But let it slide because we were having a moment or whatever.
"So, what now? It's the weekend i don't wanna waist it."

"True..." I hummed, thinking. "I feel like doing something crazy." Might as well, too. Before it's too late and we're too busy, right?

"Yeah... Crazy sounds good."

"Like absolutely stupid crazy."

"Something other couples would think were mental for."

"Like dress up in suits, get matching tattoos, then get street food." We both smiled at the stupid suggestion. It's something stupid crazy for sure but no way we'd actually d-

"Yeah. Actually fuck it. I have a suit."

I sat up to look at him fully, a serious look "Seriously? Matching tattoos? *Tattoos*, Osamu."

"What? Why not."
I could think of a million reasons as for 'why not', but...

But whatever. "Fuck yeah baby."

Okay, basically i wrote this a few weeks back and just wasn't happy with it. But no matter how long i waited i just couldn't think of anYtHinG anD iF wAs sO fRusTratInG. So i'm dropping this as a bit of a "closure chapter".

thankYou so so much for reading this all!! I hope u enjoyed it bc i sure as fuck enjoyed writing this shit(: Like, i loved it.

Im getting kinda emotional rn bc i actually said a while back that this was gonna be my very last short story on wattpad (at least for a while)
i've had so much fun, so so so much fun, writhing this short stories. And i will contiue to write on AO3 (@nonbinary_x) for other ships and other anime's

if u came from any of my other books, thankYou so much for checking this out. And if u havent, whatcha waitin for 🙄☝️

Every comment, vote and read makes me indescribably happy so thankYou thankYou again(:

- Richie <3

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