

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.



Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


Tae saw the group and smiled, "Come on in" The boys filed in and sat on the couch

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Tae saw the group and smiled, "Come on in" The boys filed in and sat on the couch. "What did you need our help with?" "You see, I have someone very important to me and I would like for you guys to look over him. He should be down any minute" Tae stated as he looked up the stair case. "Anyway, you guys will be attending school with him and if anything happens you will notify me. There will be two of you in each of his classes, and at least one person with him at all times. I found that Exo-M has been keeping an eye on him, they know that he is close to me and I'm afraid they might use him to get to me. He knows that you guys will be with him, I just need to introduce him to you" Tae finished getting nods in response. They waited a bit when Kook finaly came down. "Taeta-" Kook froze when he saw the men in the living room. Tae waved him over with a soft smile. "Come here Koo" Tae called as Kook followed. "Baby, this is Wonho, Jooheon, Shownu, Minhyuk, Hyungwon, Kihyun, I.M. or Changkyun and as a group they are Monsta X" Tae stated as he pointed to each member. "Guys, this is JungKook, My boyfriend"  Tae smiled while pecking Kook's head making him blush in the process. "Koo they will be watching over you when I can't, they will attend school with you and make sure you stay safe" "Wonho will be in your first class, Jooheon and IM in your second, Shownu and Kihyun in third, and in your fourth will be Minhyuk and Hyungwon. The principal knows that I am sending you guys so you won't actually get any work" Tae stated as everyone nodded. The boys arrived at school, Tae kissed Kook goodbye and left. Kook entered the school with Monsta X. All of the girls were drooling over the 7 men behind Kook. Kook went to class with Wonho and since the members weren't actually enrolled in classes they hung out around the school. Wonho and Kook walked into the classroom, all eyes on Wonho, and headed to the back of the class where Kook usually sits. The minute Wonho sat down the girls were all over him. Some girls were touching all over him while others were pushing there breasts making them seem bigger, little did they know, Wonho wasn't interested. "I'm sorry to burst your bubble bit I'm not interested in women" Wonho stated in a cold tone, "well I think I can change that. Just an hour in bed and I can prove it" One girl stated as she tried to sit on his lap. "Yeah no, that's gross and I have a boyfriend. Please leave" Wonho scoffed while pushing  the girl away. The teacher entered the class and started teaching. As she was introducing herself Wonho leaned over to Kook, "Hey Kook" Wonho said while nudging  Kook's arm "yeah?" "What class is this?" "English, and can I ask you something?" "OK, sure" "are you... actually gay?" "Um... yeah why" "no reason"  'Hobi hyung would like him' Kook thought as he smiled. Class went on and finaly ended. Kook and Wonho met up with Jooheon and Changkyun and went to his second class.

Lunch Time

Kook headed to the lunch room with Monsta X and found his two best friends, Jin and Jimin. Jimin ran up to Kook and engulfed him in a hug, almost knocking him over. Monsta x was confused but let it be when they saw that Kook was smiling. The two separated and dusted off. Jinmin looked at the men standing behind their best friend with confused looks on their faces. "Who are they?" "Ah. Jimin hyung, Jin hyung, this is Jooheon, Wonho, Kihyun, I.M, Shownu, Minhyuk, and Hyungwon. Tae wants them to watch over me so that nothing happens. They are also my new friends" Kook says smiling at the two, making the nine of them smile back. It isn't hard to see that they all have a soft spot for him already. On the way to get lunch, loads of girls and gays were flirting with Monsta X. When the group sat down, the popular girls of the school came up to their table.  Nayeon stood at the end of the table and started caressing Wonho's arm, "why don't you and your friends ditch these nerds and come sit with us" she suggested, pointing to her 'friends'. "I'm gay and not interested" Wonho said as he pulled his arm out of her grip. "And he's not a nerd he's a good kid" Wonho stated as he wrapped his arm around Kook's shoulders. "You're not really defending that THING are you" she practically yelled while shoving Kook back, luckily Jooheon caught him. "Okay you've gone too far, you need to leave and I make sure I never see your face again before I ruin your life" Wonho said, standing up. The three girls walked away, Wonho made sure Kook was okay before walking away to call Tae. As he was dialing Tae's number. Kook ran up to him, "Hyung! Please don't tell Tae. I know that's what you came out here to do" "but Kook that my job" "please just this once?" Kook asked while holding up one finger. "Please?" "Okay fine. But if it happens again then I have to tell him" "Thank you hyung!" Kook yelled and hugged the older. "Okay, Kook let's go inside" the two went back inside and ate lunch.

After School

Tae pulled up to the school and waited for his boyfriend. After a bit he saw the younger exit the school with seven men, all laughing at something Hyungwon said. Tae couldn't lie, he was kind of jealous. "Taetae, what's wrong?" Kook asked when be saw his handsome boyfriend frown. "Nothing bub. Come here" Tae said as he opened his arms for a hug. Kook got the hint and hugged his boyfriend. Taekook said goodbye to Monsta X and went home. When Taekook arrived home and went to their bedroom. They both stripped of their jackets and shoes to put them in their designated spot. As Kook was hanging up his Jacket he felt Tae backing him, he turned around and hugged him back, "Tae? You okay?" He asked only to get a nod as a response. He looked up at the older and kissed him, it wasn't aggressive, it was soft, slow and emotional. Their lips moved in sync. After a bit Tae pulled away "I love you baby" "I love you too Tae"
The two went downstairs and ate dinner. Afterwards they showered together and went to bed.

Week later

It has been about a week since the first school day with Monsta X and things have gone pretty smoothly. Taekook are currently on the way to the beach with a picnic. When they arrived at the beach they set everything up and applied sunscreen.

Tae pov

The shorts that Kook are wearing barely cover his ass, I'm not complaining but I don't want other people to see what's mine. I was in the middle of rubbing sunscreen on Koo's back when he ran away into the water. I laughed but joined him right after. I ran up to him and picked him up, spinning him in the process. He started slouching me with water so it kind of turned into a splash battle. After a bit of splashing we went to the ice-cream shop just a few feet away since I didn't pack ice-cream thinking it would melt. While I was ordering. The guy running the shop was only looking at my baby. Which was making me kind of mad. I pulled Koo closet to me and wrapped my arm around his waist, and walked away.

We were leaving the beach when Kook stopped walking. I stopped beside him, "Kook? What's wrong" "Taetae can we get a puppy?" Kook asked as we passed a pet store. "Baby we don't need a puppy" "please Taetae pleaseeeeeeee" "lest just look for now bub" I responded, not wanting to say no to my baby. When we walked into the pet store Kook immediately ran up to the dog cages. "Tae look at this one! It's so cuteeee! Please can we get him?" "Maybe look around a bit?" I suggested as Kook complied, I was really trying to find a way to tell him no. In the nicest way possible. I was waiting for Kook when he came running to me, "please Taetae? Can we get him?" He asked, holding a really cute black and drown pomeranian  puppy. "Bub who's going to take care of him? You have school and I have work" I saw Kook start to pout so I gently lifted his face and pecked his lips. We were about to leave when a little girl and her dad walked past us. "Please daddy can I get her? I promise I will take care of her right when I get out of school" Kook turned to me and made puppy eyes, I tried to look away but I froze when he spoke, "please daddy can we get him? I promise I will take care of him every morning and when I get out of class" he stated in a slightly higher picked voice. I could feel my shorts getting tighter at the name, but I'm glad he didn't notice. Yeah. I might have a daddy kink, What about it, huh? ANYWAYS. I sighed when I realized that I lost. "Okay bub. You can get him, but ONLY if you promise that you will take care of him. That means feeding him, giving him water, taking him on walks, and giving him lots of love" I stated. "THANK YOU TAETAE I PROMISE I WILL TAKE CARE OF HIM" Kookie shouted as he kissed me and ran to the puppy. We went to the desk with the dog and filled out paper work. "What are you gonna name him bub?" "Mmm... Oh YEONTAN!" We paid for the adorable puppy and headed home.

Kook pov

Tae just bought me a puppy. I named him yeontan because I thought it was cute. We got in the car and I noticed that there was a tint in Taes pants. I decided that I would mess with him a bit when we got home.

At home

We got home and I noticed that Tae was going to the bathroom. When he closed the door I decided to start my plan....


Well....this took me a week to write🙃

The Mafia's Secret Lover //Taekook//Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat