Chapter One (Western Air Temple)

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this takes place a little after zuko and aang go to the dragons btw.

i've been gone ik ik and no one will even see this but it's worth a shot ig 🤷

"If we make it back to the subs we can make it" Sokka said, trying to find a way to convince himself everything was going to be alright. "No, we aren't going to make it. But you are" Hakoda said firmly placing a hand on sokkas shoulder. "No! We won't leave anyone behind" Katara says, eyes filled with rage and saddness "your our only chance in the long run" bato says "I....I promis we won't be away from each other to long dad" his son says.
Katara pov
location: Southern Air Temple

"Aang we need to-" Katara gets cut of by a huge airship with......azula on it. Then, azula yells menacingly, "you thought you could get away avatar!" She said "Well, you are sadly mistaken, avatar." She spits the last word as if it was an insult. I tell everyone to get on appa and I unclasp my water skin. Sokka calls my name but i pay no attention. "Toph is still injured! she'll be a sitting duck out here!" I tell the rest of them. "Go to the rendezvous point. Me and Zuko will stall them. Come back for us after you drop the others off!"

Aang looks confused but gives a swift nod before clacking is teeth and giving a quick "yip yip" to appa. the bison takes no time to glide into the air. Katara looks at the flying bison one last look before turning her attention to the fire prince. She may not always see eye to eye with him. but that doesn't matter now.

The prince on her left says, "we'll just need to stall them until they come back. shouldn't be more than a few hours." when he says that out loud he physically belated. a few hours with an unhinged fire princess and a small army. nothing a master fire bender and master water bender couldn't handle, right?

Speaking of that fire princess, she jumps off the cliff of the mountain. "she really is crazy" katara thinks. a few seconds pass and then Azula is being lifted into the air with the bending at her fingertips. she cackled loudly and smirked at the two benders in the southern air temple. Or what was left of it.

"You really think two lousy benders can beat me?" Azula taunts, "you do realize i'm the only person in the world who's fire is so strong that it's blue. not even our fathers fire is at strong as mine"

Zuko stiffens at the mention of their father. Azulas father. He became just Azulas father a very long time ago. "Give up Azula. it's two against one. It doesn't take a genius to know the odds are in out favor" Azula looks at him with peicing eyes. "Hmm, Maybe they are. But then again. I've always have good luck." Azulas smile evaporates. and the next second she's rushing off the edge and coming straight towards us.

I bend the water from the fountain and freeze her up to her neck. she quickly melts the ice and rushes closer to us. we can't let her get close. A fire bender is best at offense. But that meant that zuko wasn't much help either. I turned ky eyes to his back and cursed. he didn't have his swords with him. the only way we'd beat this is if we had two water benders. I turn to zuko "Zuko," He looks at me when i said his name, "listen to me and listen carefully. I need you to go to everyone and get aang. The Air Ballon is out back by the pai shao board. We aren't going to win this battle without at least two waterbenders. do you understand?"

He looks at me and closes his eyes and nods. He takes a look back at Azula and launches a fire whip at her. Knocking her balance for a few seconds at most. Then he rushed to the back of the temple where the balloon is. I watch as he leaves but realize Azula hasn't made any noice yet. I look back when i feel her boot colliding hard with my skull. The last thing i saw was he smirk before i was throw over her shoulder and hauled into the Air Ship.

had this is the drafts for a while. thought why not post so, here ya go!

764 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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