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Harry Styles

I watched Jolie's parents leave the house, making sure to slam the door as if they wanted to just shove it in her face that they were disappointed in her. Everyone stayed up at the dinner table, watching Jo's every move.

Her face was alarmingly blank yet her eyes were teary. She hasn't said a word in the past minute and it honestly was scaring me.

"Jo, love?" I test the waters.

Silence. I reach over to brush my fingers over her soft, trembling fingers. She tenses at my touch but thankfully wraps her hand around mine. The other three stare at us like they're waiting for her to break.

I know Jo and she wouldn't do it in front of her bestfriends. She needed alone time and space and I will be the first person to give her that.

"I'm sorry, I'm gonna go to my room," Jo suddenly says, her words trembling.

She sounds like she's so close to breaking.

"Of course, babes. Yeah, we'll be here if you need us." Lilia is the first to respond, standing next to Isla and holding onto the blonde's arm.

Jo turns her head towards her friends and nods, a weak grin on her face. They all give smiles to her; their upset eyes matching their smiles. Niall locks eyes with me and I can feel his concern for the broken-hearted girl. He gives me a subtle nod and I have a feeling that he's showing his trust in me to take care of her while she's in this state.

I allow her to lead me up the stairs and to her bedroom, Otis hot on our feet. There was cluttering of dishes and whispers coming from downstairs as we entered her bedroom. I would give anything to know exactly how she was feeling at the moment. It obviously wasn't good as she had barely said a word to us.

Otis jumps onto her bed, laying himself down on his stomach. Jo lets go of my hand and grabs a towel off of a hook on the back of her door. I sit down on her comfy mattress, running my fingers over Otis' fur.

"Harry," she mutters quietly but I hear her loud and clear.

"Yes, sunflower?" I responded, standing up from the bed to hold her shaky hand that didn't have a grip on her towel.

"I'm gonna take a bath, is that okay?"

Her trembling voice felt like a stab to my heart. I can't believe she was asking for permission.

"Of course. You don't have to ask, love," I move her falling hair out of her face to get a good look at her.

Her eyes keep themselves trained on the ground, tears threatening to escape from her beautifully sad doe eyes. It's like she was too scared to even look at me. She looked so tired; completely drained of any form of energy. I could tell. From the red hue in her eyes to her slow movements.

Oh, sunflower, I hate seeing you like this.

She nods at my response, still avoiding my eyes. I press a gentle kiss onto the back of her hand before letting it go to let her go on to the bathroom just across the hall. I watch her leave, anxiously messing with my rings as I think of what I could do to help.

Light some scented candles, turn off the lights and just cuddle in bed until she falls asleep in my arms? It sounded pretty perfect to me.

I hear a knock at the door and furrow my brows, walking over to open it. I twist the handle and pull the door forward to reveal Niall standing there.

"Oh, hey, Harry," Niall gives me a smile. "Is Jo okay? Has she said anything really since you came up here?"

I purse my lips and shake my head. "I wish I could say yes. It's scaring me, Niall. I've never seen her like this," I pause to push some of my hairs out of my face, stuttering over my words. "I- I don't know what to do. She asked me for permission to go take a bath. To take a bath."

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