the third goal

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Lena had never seen Amelia this distracted before. Amelia had always been so spastic, and she had never been this quiet.

"Ames, what's up?" Lena touched Amelia's arm. Amelia looked at her for a moment.

"What do you mean?" 

Lena's eyes widened as Amelia blushed and looked off into the distance.

"OH MY GOD. AMELIA ADLER YOU MET A GUY?!" Lena screeched at the top of her lungs. Amelia slapped her upside the head, sending Lena to rub her head, still grinning from ear to ear.

" isn't gonna happen, Len!" Amelia tried to shut Lena up as she pried for more and more information.

Usually this was the other way around. Lena always got the guys, and Amelia was forced to be in her shadow as the side-kick. She was used to it anyway.

The tables had turned, and Amelia didn't know whether she liked it or not.

"Why not?" 

"Because Will took away my phone and that's the only way I can talk to him!" Amelia said finally, with a sigh.

Lena's face lit up.

"Oh no, Len, whatever you're thinking, it isn't going to happen okay? Will was pretty angry cause I talked to him for like 3 hours yesterday," 

"My god, Ames, THREE HOURS?!" Lena laughed, "that's true love right there, who is he?" 

"Manuel Neuer," Amelia said for maybe the hundredth time. She didn't like the fact that his name held so much fame, and that people wouldn't believe her.

Lena didn't scream this time, surprisingly, but she slammed down onto Amelia's bed and didn't speak for a full twenty minutes.


"Manu, why are you looking so sad, man?" Bastian, one of Manuel's team mates, threw his arm around him and leaned in to ask.

"I don't know, Basti..." Manuel pushed Bastian's arm off his shoulder and started walking off, checking his phone as he went into the locker room before training.

"Aye, Mull, what's up with him?" Bastian practically summoned Thomas, who readily threw out his answer.

"He met this girl on the plane, and they talked for like a million hours on the phone later, it was really annoying, but then she hung up and he tried calling her a lot of times, and she hasn't picked up. So he's a bit confused and angry now," Thomas burst out as if he had been waiting all day to say it. He probably was.

Bastian nodded and looked over at the frustrated Manuel, who had just conceded a goal to Dante, who was very weak in scoring. Manuel rolled over and groaned.

"Woah, he's really off about this," Bastian said to Thomas, walking on to the field.

"Yeah, we gotta fix this before our match next week," Thomas whispered as they passed Manuel. Bastian nodded, smiling towards Manuel, who raised his eyebrow.


"Hey William!" Lena slipped downstairs to find Amelia's brother watching some TV.

"L-lena!" William stuttered out, running his hand through his hair brown hair, sitting up, "how are you?" 

"I'm good, I'm good...." Lena dragged on, waiting for Amelia to carry on their plan, "what about you? I heard you got a promotion, congrats on that!" 

"Yeah, it's pretty great, I was thinking of celebrating if you wanna join? W-with Amelia of course, not just us two, because like that would seem--" William said nervously. Lena nodded, cutting him off.

"Yeah, that'd be cool," Lena tried to resist shouting at Amelia for taking so long, but finally heard a scream and that was her cue.

"Well, keep me up on that celebration, I'm gonna go now," Lena waved awkwardly, and William smiled, meeting eyes with Lena, sending chills through her spine as if his blue eyes were actually made of ice.

You totally screwed that up man, William shook his head to himself as Lena ran up the stairs to Amelia, erasing that scene with William from her mind.

Amelia was practically crying, of joy, of course, 

"Len, four missed calls, he's probably PISSED!" Amelia squealed. Never had there been a guy to call her four times.

"But did you get the number?" Lena sat on the floor next to Amelia, who was clutching the paper.

"I can't use the phone though, so I put it back, why is this useful then?" Amelia pointed at the post it note in her hand, with Manuel's number scrawled across it.

Lena took out her phone and held it up, away from Amelia's grabbing hands.

"Wait. You can only talk for five minutes. In the five minutes you are going to tell him that you want to meet him for some type of date, or gathering, since you're not familiar with a date."

"Hey! I know what a date is," Amelia argued.

"Shh. Also, you tell him everything that happened, so that he understands. All in five minutes, okay?" Lena wrinkled her forehead, and Amelia nodded quickly, grabbing the phone and punching in the digits, her heart racing.

It dialed and dialed and dialed and finally...

"Hello?" a deep and angry voice bellowed from the other side.

"Mister Manuel?" Amelia joked. Lena looked as if she was about to burst. Her little Amelia, that never really took an interest in talking to boys, was flirting.

"Amelia?!" Manuel practically yelled, a small smile forming on his lips as he shushed everyone in the locker room. Thomas and Basti looked at one another and grinned, with their thumbs up.

"Okay, I have five minutes to tell you everything, so listen," Amelia began to explain what happened with her phone and how money was something they couldn't throw around on long phone calls.

"So instead of talking to you on the phone, I think we should meet up," Amelia said confidently.

Lena almost cried because she was so proud. She actually felt like a proud mother of her helpless child.

"I- uh...I..." Manuel scratched his head after taking in all of that information. He felt bad for being so angry, when in reality he never realized people had money problems. He felt so ignorant and stupid that he couldn't respond with full words.

"Is that a yes?" and after no response she continued,

"Naxos Taverna at 7?" Manuel finally formed thoughts. Amelia cringed. That was an expensive restaurant, but she figured she could work it off... Amelia didn't want to seem so poor in front of the millionare.

"Is Saturday good?" Amelia asked.

"Yeah," Manuel said absentmindedly.

"Cool...well bye then, I guess," Amelia held the phone close to her ear, trying to keep herself from blushing.

"Have a great day, Miss Amelia, I will see you soon," 


authors note

thank you so much for reading this! i hope you liked it

be sure to leave a comment and tell me what you thought :)

ship #manelia (literally all of my ships for this sound like diseases so like....)

William (at da top) i imagine like jake gyllenhaal as him (so he's like good looking but older idk?? what do you guys think) 


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