2 *lip bite*

12 0 5

Tadashi POV

I fucking sigh and leave the bathroom

Washed my hands first bc I'm healthier than all of you, you dirty pricks. /hj

After washing my beautiful, wonderful, amazing hands, I finally left the bathroom and went back to the cafeteria.

I walk over to y/n and the girl.

"Heyyy~ oo y/n and uh.. Whats your name?" I ask

"Uhm- I'm Yuri" She responds. Her voice is kind of soft but not really.

"Oo okok, Yuri. Y/N~ wanna come to my house tonight to sleep overrrr~"

"Uhhh.. Sure?" y/n the fucking love of my life responds bc they're amazing and I love them sm

"Oo okay sure!!" Yuri says


"Okay, my address is **********"

They both nod

I walk away.

Later bc idk what else to write

I'm sitting on my couch, p a t i e n t l y waiting for the love of my life~

*knock knock knock bitch, open up*

I get up and walk over to the door and immediately open it to see the girl and my love~

"Hello hello~~ welcome welcome! Come take a seat where ever you'd like~" I say, moving out of the way so the two can walk in.

Y/N and the girl both sat down on the couch

I sat in between them.

I'm not letting some crusty hoe touch the love of my life🤨

"Hey, girlie, whats your name? I never got it.." i ask

"Oh its Hana!" She responds

Hana. Cute name ig.. But y/n is so much better~ so moanable... Wait bro tf?🤨 nah nvm these are normal thoughts

"Sooo what should we do now? Wanna watch a movie? Eat? Play games??" Y/n asks

"Ooo how about we watch a scary movie!!" Hana and I both say, filled with excitment


"Uh.. Sure ig" y/n replies, looking to the side, a bit nervous.

Are they scared?~ how cute.

"Alright I'll get some movies and we can all choose one and I'll get some popcorn" I say getting up and reaching under the tv stand full of horror movies as they were my favorite.

I chose 3 of the scariest movies I had.
I want y/n to cling on to me in fear~

I lay the 3 out on the coffee table in front of me

"Which one should we watch?" I ask

Y/N mumbles something i can't quite hear.

"What'd you say?" Hana asks

"..which one is the least scary..?" Y/n softly asks, looking away nervously.

"Oo~ is y/n scareddd~? How cute~" I say

"S-shut up.." They cover their face in embarrassment

"Fine fine~ this one is the least scary~" I tell them, pointing to the middle movie

"Okay lets put that on then!" Hana says

I nod and put the movie on, immediately pausing it.

"I'm gonna go make popcorn really quickly, alright?"

My Yandere OC boi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now