
19 0 0

September 2011

I stood in front of the building tapping my foot impatiently waiting for Kim Seokwoo.

And yeah, it did take us a whole year to come for the audition but that's only because Seokwoo demanded that he wanted to take this seriously and actually be prepared for it. I obviously agreed with him, but NOT because he told to, mind you, because I wanted to do well too!

I had made my mind up that, I seriously wanted to become an idol too. But my dream might get cut short, if this guy doesn't show up in the next 10 minutes.

I tapped my foot on the pavement listlessly as I craned my neck left and right trying to see if Seokwoo was coming.

"This little bast-"

"JUHO!" a scream from my left, as I turned around to see the brunette peddling towards me in his bicycle. I ran up to where he stopped and punched him on the shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for?!" He yelled incredulously, rubbing his arm while getting off the bike.

"What was that for?? Ya! You're 20 minutes late do you even realize that!" I yelled back at him and he immediately cowered, giving me one of his guilty sheepish smiles.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," he held onto my hand and smiled innocently and I scoffed, though smiling, and shook his hand off mine, immediately missing the warmth.

"Whatever, let's go, we're gonna be late!" I hurried him as he quickly parked his bike and sprinted along with me into the huge building with the three lettered word on top of it.

Our shoes squeaked and squealed under the tiled floors of the building as we ran through, immediately stopped by a wall of people. They were students, just like us and seeing from the pieces of papers that they held, identical to ours, they were here for the audition too. For a second I got scared by the sheer number of people that were there, and it all seemed hopeless and futile.

As though Seokwoo could feel my anxiousness, he grabbed my hand and squeezed it, smiling one of his sunshine smiles. A smile that took my breath away but also seemed to wash away all my insecurities.

My shoulders relaxed, though a blush was sprinkled across my face because of his hand in mine. I quickly shook his hand off mine once again, pretending to be disgusted.

He shouldn't know!

"We can do this," he whispered to me and I smiled back and replied, "We can do this."

"Cha!" a clap brought all our attention to the woman in front of us holding a clipboard, "I believe you all here for the audition taking place today in FNC entertainment?"

A reverberating "yes" sounded throughout the auditorium.

"Very nice," she smiled sweetly, "well then I would first like all the girls and boys to stand in separate groups," everyone started to shuffle around.

Me and Seokwoo moved to the left together, along with the other guys. A man from the front started calling out names of all the participants to take attendance.

After all the formalities were done we were ushered into a waiting room were all the participants sat anxiously. Some where practicing dance moves and some memorizing lyrics. And Seokwoo was one of them as he practiced his rap focused. Both of us had prepared for all three, singing, dancing and rapping.

I would say that Seokwoo was much better at singing than rapping, but the guy just won't listen to me. But something we both were good at was dancing.

I didn't realize it but I was a pretty good dancer along with Seokwoo and I hoped we could make it into a dance team together.

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