Emotions Can Get The Best Of Us... (2)

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Part 1

I never was one for love. Sure, a couple boyfriends here or there, but

no serious relationships. Even at fifteen, I knew if I fell too hard

for the wrong guy, I'd end up with my heart broken. So, I tried to

avoid that situation and pass on my advice to anyone.

One of my best friends', Melissa, has a thing for falling for guys too

soon. Every time I'd tell her the same thing, "don't get mixed up with

him, he's only going to break your heart," and she'd reply saying "I

know what I'm doing," but every time she'd end up at my house crying

and screaming that he wasn't good enough for her.

She goes a little crazy after a break up, even going as far as leaving

ransom notes under her ex's door. Personally, I think it's all for

attention, but really, she's making the situation worse and she

doesn't realize it.

Part 2

Not only do I know that this guy, Dylan, that she's with, does nothing

but use girls, I let it slide that Melissa wanted to continue their

relationship, figuring I'd keep an eye on the situation.

It had been a week since they were officially "together", and every

night she'd text me, disappointed that he hadn't said "I love you" to

her. I agreed that it was disappointing, but I knew even if he said it

to her, he wouldn't mean it.

Part 3

"It is well for the heart to be naive and the mind not to be."

-Anatole France

Part 4

It just so happens that one of my best friends, Ryan, is also best

friends with Dylan. This is the reason why I know that all Dylan does

is use girls.

As me and Ryan sat in my room, studying, we talked about their

relationship. He told me that Dylan had had his eye on Melissa for a

while because he liked her blonde hair, blue eyes, and mainly, her

body. I was disgusted that one of my good friends could be friends

with such a jerk.

Dylan trusted Ryan with a lot of information, so it came as a surprise

to me that he would tell me all this stuff. Then he told me the most

disturbing thing. The night before, Dylan had planned on drugging

Melissa and taking advantage of her. As he told me this, I couldn't

even control myself, I was filled with such anger and such sorrow for

my friend, I started to cry. I screamed at him not to joke like that.

Praying that it was a joke. The emotions that ran through me were so

mixed up- I didn't even know what to do. I hadn't heard from Melissa

since she left for her date. I got up from my chair, stormed down the

stairs and ran out of the house into the pouring rain.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Melissa's number, hoping... praying,

that she would pick up and tell me that it wasn't true.

No answer.

I called her again.

No answer.

Each time that I called her cell phone and she didn't answer, my panic

level rose and my tears came faster.

Why didn't I see this coming?

How could I have been so naive?

Part 5

The rest of the weekend I never left my room, except for when I had to

throw up. Sometimes, I didn't even make it down the hall to the

bathroom. My parents just thought that I had the stomach flu, and I

didn't intend on telling them about what had happened.

Ryan stayed with me the whole time; he was such a good friend to me.

He was what I needed - he was also the only one I could talk to.

I waited for the one phone call - even one text, which would be from

Melissa, telling me that she was ok.

The weekend had passed. No phone call. No text.


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