iv. 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬

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Dick shot Tim a glare when he walked down with Luka and Marinette raving about himself.

Tim just shot him a smug smirk.

Upping his game, Dick launched himself over the counter into an acrobatic move that only Nightwing could have done.

Tim was still talking but he soon stopped with a scowl when he realized his audience weren't paying attention to him.

Luka and Marinette were both gaping at him, though the latter had an odd expression on her face.

"How did you-" Luka seemed at a loss for words. "How did you do that?"

Dick gave Tim a smug smile as he bit into an apple, casually. "I was brought up in a circus. I learnt some stuff over the years."

Marinette shot him a narrowed glare - seriously, what was up with her? "And does anyone else know that?"

"Nope," Dick said cheerfully, unknowingly sealing Marinette's suspicions.

As he walked out of the door, Dick muttered to Tim, "You owe me 20."

Tim shot him the stink-eye.


Over the next few days, Marinette made a careful note of everything in Luka's family.

When Dick said he was the only one to do that move, one thing became clear - the Waynes were the Batfamily.

Marinette wasn't sure how she didn't notice it before because once she put enough thought into it, it was kind of obvious.

Bruce was Batman, Dick was Nightwing, Jason was Red Hood, Tim was Red Robin (why was he glorifying himself so much then?) and Damian was Robin.

Once she was aware of what she was looking for, Marinette realized that, well, they weren't trying to hide it.

Luka was oblivious to it, of course, he didn't know. As far as he knew, they just had some amazing skills that varied from person to person.

But to Marinette it was very obvious.

And it became clear.

So, just to mess with them, she decided to suggest a design for Tim's wardrobe.

As she walked down to breakfast that morning, Marinette smirked at Tim.

"So," she said sweetly and Luka shot her a look because he knew what that meant. After all, she had used the same look on Lila before. "I had an idea."

Tim looked up from his bickering with Jason about some bet about showing off. "Really?" he asked excitedly. "What?"

"I was thinking about doing something related to Red Robin."

The reactions were so perfectly in sync, that Marinette almost thought they practiced it.

Tim choked on his cup of coffee, spilling some of it on Jason.

Jason, who was scrolling through his phone, dropped it and cursed loudly.

Dick who was pouring some milk into his cereal, froze and the milk just continued coming through, long after the bowl was full.

Damian threw his knives into a wall. Poor wall.

Bruce, who was reading the newspaper, tore it in surprise.

Alfred merely shot her a knowing look and Luka...poor Luka looked so confused.

Recovering, Tim hastily said, "Okay!" far too perkily. "What did you have in mind?"

His attempt at casualness failed miserably when everyone else was still trying to recover.

Seeing everyone else's reactions sealed it for Marinette. "I figured you out." Blunt and straight to the point.

Luka stared at her. "Figured out what?"

Before she could answer, Dick, still with the bowl of overflowing milk, said, "But you're not supposed to know! It was only for Luka - we thought he'd figure it out!"

"Figure what out?" Luka's voice had a hint of exasperation in it.

Bruce folded his paper decisively. "That we're vigilantes."


When Luka met his extended family, he genuinely did not expect this.

This being the fact that they were the vigilantes of Gotham.

"I'm sorry what?" he asked weakly.

His father - Luka still wasn't used to saying that - repeated himself. "We are the vigilantes of Gotham."

"And you knew?" He directed this question at Marinette.

Marinette shot him a sheepish look, her eyes pleading with him to not be mad - as if he would be, he was just curious. "I had suspicions. I figured it out yesterday."

And as Luka ran through the last few days, it became clear- how had he not seen that before?

Especially with all the hysterical research he had done when he figured out who his father was.

Jason's affinity with guns, Damian's with knives, Tim's with computers and...well, sticks and Dick's with acrobatics. Bruce had no outward sign, but he should have figured the others out!

"Of course," Luka said distractedly. "How did I not figure it out before?"

But why would they be so obvious about it? Anyone - except for Marinette, of course, she was Ladybug, she definitely had it figured out - from Gotham could have understood.

"But why were you so..." Luka struggled for the right word without seeming too rude.

"Obvious about it?" Bruce asked with a faint smile. "We wanted to tell you. But we weren't sure how to. So-"

"We decided to let you figure it out on your own." Jason finished. And then he looked at Marinette. "But how did you find out?"

Marinette shifted uncomfortably and Luka hid a smile. He knew the answer.

But he wasn't going to out her. She could tell them if she wanted to.

Eventually, when her eyes flicked from one person to another, she said, "Because I'm one too?"

It sounded more like a question than a statement.

"How are you-" Damian asked confusedly, when Luka answered him.

"She's Ladybug - superhero of Paris."

Now it was their turn to be surprised.

"How did you know that?" asked Marinette.

Really, she needed to improve on her excuses - they were extremely see-through.

"You're not as sneaky as you think, Marinette."

Luka grinned smugly as the room burst out into shouts.

Ha! Take that.

𝐁𝐈𝐎-𝐃𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐍𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐇, lukanetteTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang