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They went into the cabin and lower deck, no one could see what was happening, there was the frequent explosion and scream, "I'm not scared, because I know Luffy will win us back." Chopper crosses his arms and nods, "That's the spirit Chopper." I smile and pat his head. There was a huge blow and steam came gushing out of the ship, we saw Foxy walking out with his fists in the air, we all froze, "No..." I mutter, Luffy was behind him on the floor, he shakily stood up, "COME ON LUFFY! YOU CAN DO IT!" Nami yells, "COME ON!" Zor shouts, "BEAT HIM UP LUFFY!" Sanji yells, "I won't... let you take... a single member of my crew... EVEN IF IT KILLS ME!" He stands up, Foxy's jaw drops to the ground and everyone cheers, Chopper held back tears and he crawls into my lap, "H-he's on his feet! Straw Hat Luffy refuses to give in!" Itomimizu flies above. The two run towards each other and had a brutal fistfight, my hands went to my mouth and Chopper closes his eyes, "SLOW SLOW BEAM!" The pink beam starts to go towards Luffy as the two lock fists but, "Hey Chopper, look!" I point, the beam was being reflected back at Foxy and he was moving in slow motion, he slowly opens his eyes, something dropped out of his glove as he falls to his knees, "This piece of the mirror was in my afro that whole time, once I broke it off." He heaves, "GUM GUM... PISTOL!" He punches Foxy right in the face and begins to walk back, everyone was silent, "Five..." Everyone starts chanting, "Four... three... two... one..." Foxy flies off the boat and Luffy stands on top of the fox head, raises his fists, "HE DID IT!" Chopper and I cheer, I saw the rest of our crew stand up and turn around towards us, I didn't even think and I jumped up, flying over all the heads in the stands and I felt Zoro catch me, "YOU GUYS!" Chopper cries and hugs Nami and Robin, the entire crew jumping off the stands trying to save their captain as he sunk into the water.

"Take this! And this!" Ussop kept poking Luffy's cheek, "Stop it! He's really hurt!" I punch Ussop away, "Yeah afro power my butt, that was a close call if I've ever seen one." Nami rests her cheek on her hand, "Woah let's not disrespect the afro here." Sanji turns to her, "Look! He's waking up!" Chopper went to his head, "Where am I! What happened?! Is it over? Did I win? That wasn't just a dream was it? Was it?" He jolts up straight, "You don't need freak out and worry. You beat him." Zoro nods, "Says you, you haven't let go of poor Nat since we got her back." Nami looks at him latched onto my back as I kept tending to Luffy, "Shut up." He turns to her, "What a relief." Luffy lies back down, "Everyone else said you'd lose but not me." Ussop puts his straw hat back on his head, "You're a real bad liar." Sanji says, "I guess it'd be a real big issue if you'd lost. Imagine being on a boat with Foxy. Screw that." Zoro closes his eyes and I shiver at the thought, "Just being on his 'crew' for a few minutes had me feeling- ugh." I stick my tongue out, we all laugh.

"Hey Boss, wait." We turn to Foxy walking over, "Hey Rubber boy, I was pretty pleased with my winning streak and I'm not happy with you ruining it!" He grabs Luffy's hand and tries to throw him over his shoulder but Luffy just stretches his arm nd Foxy bends over smashing his forehead into the ground, we all wince at the welt forming on his head, "Well hurry up, you have five hundred crewmates to choose from." He says, "He's right! We haven't made the final exchange yet!" Itomimizu flies over, Luffy grins, "Chopper. Nat." He looks at us, Chopper cries and runs into his arms sobbing, "I'm so happy. Thank you. Thank you!" He had snot running down his nose, "Get this stupid thing off your face." Zoro grins and rips the mask and fox ears off my head and I jump into him, hugging him tight, "Oh thank God we don't need to bind our children to this God awful crew." I grin, he turns bright red and steam started coming off him again, I snicker, "Straw Hat begins with two obvious choices but now who's next? Don't leave us hanging!" He announces, "Guess I'll take your flag." Luffy says, "WHAT?!" Everyone was shocked, "You don't want my lively crew at all?!" Foxy says, "I don't need your sail you gotta use that to go places after all." Luffy says, "But we have our flag on our sail as well." They unfurl the sail, "We dont' want your pity!" They point at him, "I have a plan, I don't need to take the sail with the mark, I just need to cover it. I can do that with paint, once it's done you should be fine right?" Luffy says, "Well. Let's go guys." He looks at us, we all grin and jump onto the boat, painting it black for a fresh, blank canvas.

"There! Done!" We all step back onto the figurehead, "It... sucks!" They all fall to the ground, "Oh come on, there's no need to bow to us." Luffy laughs and scratches his head, we were about to leave when they stopped us, "You still haven't chosen your four hundred and ninety seven crewmembers." Itomimizu says, "I don't need them." Luffy had the flag on his shoulder, "The rules are the rules, I don't care if you need them or not. You're gonna pick those crewmates right now!" Foxy points at him, "Do I have to?" He groans, "Yes!" Foxy yells, "Hey Luffy, a crew must follow their Captain's orders don't they?" Zoro turns around, "Yes indeed." Robin nods, "That makes it easy!" Ussop nods, "Easy? What is?" Nami asks, Chopper looks at us confused, "Well Luffy, just say the words." I grin, "Oh, I got it. No problem. You." He points at someone, "Me?" He points at himself, "Yep, all the way up to... you." He points at Itomimizu, "How many is that?" Luffy asks, "Well... we're five hundred in total so excluding Porche, Hamburg and our boss... That four hundred and ninety seven exactly! Well there you go! It's settled Captain Luffy!" He counts.

We were just about to send Foxy, Porche and Hamburg on their own dingy boat when Luffy points at everyone, "Now! Everyone of the Straw Hat Pirates... everyone excluding Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Nat, Chopper, Robin and Ussop are dismissed." He says, "What? You mean you're kicking us out..." They all sweat, "Yep!" He nods, "Captain orders are absolute so I don't want to hear any whining." Zoro folds his arms, "I don't care if you start your own crew or go back to split head but you're done with me. So long!" He nods, "Bye bye!" I wave, they all rush back onto the Sexy Foxy and sail after Foxy and his remaining crew, "Ex Boss! We miss you!" "We always loved the Foxy pirates!" "Come back!" They all had their masks and ears back on, "Well that worked our nicely..." Nami nods.

"Looks like it all worked out." We all boarded the ship and stare at Tonjit, it was already sunset and we were ready to set sail, "Yes, I don't know what to say for all you've done. It's back to our peaceful lives." He smiles, "Farewell my friends! I won't forget you!" He waves, Zoro pulled the anchor up and the sails were unfurled, "Take care of yourself alright." I wave, "Will do and same to you!" He waves, Shelly whines and bows her head, "Bye Shelly! Stay safe and look after the old man!" Chopper waves, "Wherever you go I pray for your safe journey!" He shouts, "Well that's that. Nami, is the log ready yet?" Luffy asks, "Sure is. We're all good to go." She nods, "Alright, it's about time." Zoro grins, "Tell me about it." I wrap my arms around his torso and poke my head from behind him, looking up at him, "So... are we gonna snag ourselves a shipwright?" Ussop asks, "Yeah! Don't worry Merry, we'll find a shipwright just for you. Just wait." Luffy punches his palm, "Yeah!" We all cheer.

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