"Like marriage and kids?" Leo nodded.

"Speaking of that, how many kids would you like?" I was curious.

"I hope at least one but whatever my future wife and the mother of my kids will decide, I'll be okay with," my respect for him when he said that, went up.

"All I know is, if I have a baby girl. I would like to name her Lily because of Harry Potter," I smiled.

"What about you?" Leo threw the question at me now.

"I hope in time, I am successful in the degree I'm getting but mostly I hope I'd would have made a name for myself with all the things I'm doing now. Like my book turned in a movie, my podcast, YouTube channel and my jewellery being a hit. But I hope in about five years I would be starting a family with my person," I thought out loud.

"Sounds like you have a plan," Leo stated.

"I do," I smiled.

"How many kids, would you like to have?" Leo continued.

"If we are talking about kids. I was told by my mother that I have 50-50% chance on caring twins, once I get pregnant. But either way, I would like to have two kids," Leo nodded.

"But, if I am not able to get pregnant for whatever reason, I've always wanted to adopt." I explained.

"I like that plan," we both smiled at each other.

Before we both even knew it, it was already super late and that's when we both decided to say goodnight to each other, as we ended the call. In the beginning of the call, it was tricky to find something to talk about but once we found things to talk about it was just flowing. It's so easy to talk to him, I think back and couldn't believe there was a time when I couldn't talk to him. It funny how life works doesn't?

The next day, was the date. Today was the awaited date, that we both were excited for. To be honest, after getting prepped for the day, I started getting ready for the date pretty much the entire day. I wanted to look good, whether it was virtual or not. When 4 O'clock approached our date finally arrived, Leo gave me a call as he was setting up the movie on discord.

We decided to watch the comedy of a movie called, Nigh school with Kevin Hart. The movie lagged a bit, but I dealt with it and it was no big deal since first, I already watched it. I didn't care that much because I was spending time with Leo and that's what I really cared about.

After the film, the date didn't stop there. We continued playing twenty questions once again just like the night before, but this time I was asking the questions.

"What was the greatest gesture, you've ever done for a girl?" I asked.

"Well one time, I was on a date at one of the town's fairs and I won a stuffed animal for a girl," Leo responded.

"Awe that's so cute," he nodded with a grin.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" I asked him, another question.

"Yes and no," I was confused.

"Let me explain," I nodded.

"I believe you can fall for someone instantly, but I also believe finding out if that is your person as you get to know them as well is the journey too. Like us?" I blushed.

As the questions were wrapping up, I looked at the time and I couldn't believe it was already nine O'clock.

"I know this was your first real official date, but this was my favourite and best date. Virtual or not," I smiled, as we signed off and said goodnight to each other.

I took a breath and relived the whole date, which was hours long, five hours long to be exact. I was such in a good mood because of it, but also, he wanted a second date. I was so happy; nothing could've changed my mood. And nothing did.

After our date, we almost face timed and saw each other every night and texting every day. I was very happy, and we have talked about what's the road looking like down the road like, if we would do long distance, how would that work? Would both of us travel to each other and etc. We had a good open conversation about it. We discussed how, we would do long distance for now and we'll see where our story will go as well as, one time he'd come to me and one time I'll go to him, even sometimes we'll meet in the middle go on vacations together and etc. It was a nice conversation, that was needed even it was too soon to have in some people's head. I rather know now then be disappointed down the road.

As the month of July is ending and I am on Facetime with my friend Lizzie, while texting Leo. I got a question that changed my life completely.


After having a open conversation with Andrea and where she stands, which just made me like her more. I wanted Andrea to be mine since we first confessed our feelings for each other but waited since I didn't rush things.

On July 31st, I asked her the question I've been dying to ask her.

"Andrea Peter, would you be a girlfriend to the super cool, nerd?" I asked her. I saw her open the message automatically and I waited for her to respond. It felt eternity until she did.


Once I opened the message, I almost screamed in Lizzie's ear.

"What? What's with that high pitch and that look on your face?" Lizzie asked.

"Well, hmm, Leo just asked me to be his girlfriend," I told her in happiness.

"If you don't tell him a big fat: HELL YESS! I will bitch slap you,"

"Of course, I'm going to say yes, are you crazy?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Just double checking!" Lizzie pointed to me.

I texted him: I would love to be your girlfriend. I guess we will have our snowbarry as endgame. I could just tell he was smiling when I sent that. I was so over thrilled and over the moon happy, to have this amazing man named Leo not only to have him in my life but now to call him my boyfriend, have a boyfriend. I wasn't used to saying it, sometimes I'm still not that doesn't make any less true.


On the last day of the month of July. Andrea and I officially became a couple. Boyfriend and girlfriend, Facebook official. Every day since then, has been out of this world magical and words that don't even exist yet. I am so lucky to call Andrea Peter my girlfriend, see our love story unfold to other adventures we go on together. 

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