I nod, gesturing with my hand for her to continue.

"So, I was wondering if I could maybe stay here. You know? Like, seeing as were 'dating' and all. If that's not any trouble?"

"It's no trouble." I say, my eyes darting downward to look at her lips once again, and then quickly looking back up into her eyes.

I watch her as she sucks in a breath, probably just realizing how close we were. The air in my lungs is suddenly sucked right out of me, and there's nothing I can do about it as I start to feel light-headed. Grace's eyes lock with mine, and she takes her hand, bringing it up to my face, caressing my cheek. My breaths come out hitched, and unsteady as I stare at her.

I begin to notice things about her facial features that I probably wouldn't have seen before if I wasn't this close to her face. On her face I could light brown freckles that were barely visible, and were scattered across her cheeks. Her eyes were the color of rust with gold specks in them. Skin soft, and only had the slighest tan. Hair was choppy, uneven, and it had natural blonde highlights. In other words, she was absolutely beautiful. Completely stunning. When I looked into her eyes I saw years worth of pain hidden behind them, among other emotions as well.

Grace was the only person I met that could have tears slipping down her cheeks and still be able to smile. The only person who I've none for two and half weeks and be memorized in all that they do. She was passionate about the things she loved -- like photographry. She didn't have to pretend to be my girlfriend, but she had. Which reminded me that even though I knew almost nothing about her, I knew one thing for sure.

All the pain. All the misery. All the heart break that lied in her from past years had only made her kind. Not cold or soulless like it could have. I wanted so badly to know what her lips would feel like on my own, but I knew that I couldn't for multipule reasons.

I had to get to know her first before I could know what her lips could do against my own.

Not pulling away, I lean forward, placing my hands on either side of her cheeks and kiss her forehead. My lips linger there longer then they should've, but I didn't care. I just needed her to know that I care.

With my lips still pressed against her forehead, I tell her quietly, "I have to get to an interview."

She nods, giving me a large smile, trying to play off that she wasn't upset. But, clearly, she was. And I could see it in her eyes.

"Well, get going. Don't need you being late. And, remember, I'm going to be sitting on this couch watching the entire time." She states, looking anywhere that wasn't my face.

"Yeah. Don't need to be late."


"Now, Will, I don't mean to get personal," you always mean to get personal, "but, the rest of want to know who this lovely looking lady is. Mind sharing?" Piper, the talk show host, asks. She's currently pointing up at the screen behind us, a picture of Grace and I showing up on it.

The picture was us at the super-market the other day, where it obviously looks like it was tooken by someone that wasn't a pap because it slightly off and had a blur to it, but it was clearly the two of us.

"Um...," I start, but a short chuckle comes out of my mouth instead. "That lovely looking lady with me in the super-market is my girlfriend."

As soon as the words come out of my mouth I watch to see Piper's reaction, and from what I can tell, she looks confused. But, just as quickly as the confusion was there, it's wipped away and replaced by a fake smile that's been praticed way t many times in the bathroom mirror.

"Girlfriend?" She questions, and I nod.

"That beautiful, witty, and sarcastic lady up on this very screen is my girlfriend." I tell her, a genuine smile forcing it's way onto my face at the thought of Grace.

"She looks very... put together. Now, we got this video clip of the two you agruing over something. And, some of us are confused about what you two are agruing over."

And that's when the picture on the screen is replaced by a a video being played. All you can hear for the first minute and half is a bunch of girl's giggling, and then the stupid argument about us fighting over the gabbage comes up.

"Okay, what is that?" Video me asks, pointing down at the gabbage. My cheeks flush, and become hot in embarrassment as a hand flys up to my mouth to muffle my laughter.

"Do you honestly not know what it is?" Video Grace asks me, and at this point --even though it's only the beginning of the video -- it's really hard to hold back my laughter. The agrument was so stupid, and my actions in it were what resembled of a six-year-old.

"No. And I highly suggest you don't but it. It looks funky."

"Funky? Will, it's just gabbage."

"I don't care. It's purple! Vegatables aren't supposed to be purple."

"I've seen you eat carrots. And there orange."

"Yeah, but purple? That's just inhuman."

The video ends there, and the girls who were filming the video at the time snickered at our agrument and then the clip ends. At this point in time I was laughing my head off, knowing this would come back to haunt me.

"We -we were agruing about the gabbage, obviously. It looked weird, and it felt like rubber." I say, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

Piper raises an eyebrow. "Your actions are close to a childs, don't you think?"

I give her a weird look. "What? You want to be ashamed of the fact that technically that person in the video is the real me? I may act profession outside of the house when it's time to get to work, but that when it's just me and i'm not working, sometimes I can be a man-child. I won't deny that."

She crosses her arms, offended. "I didn't say that?"

"Really? Because you seem awfully disgusted at the fact that could act that way. But, it's not just me in that video. My girlfriend, Grace, is in too. We may look happy, because we are, but not even a minute later after that video was taken we were swarmed by the paparazzi. She was absolutely terrified. Now I now with a job like mine, things come at a price with having cameras following me around twenty-four-seven, but when it comes to her, I just won't have it. The way I act when I'm out shopping, or doing things by myself, I act professional for these very moments. But, when I'm with her, it's different. I don't have to hide. So, I'd really appreciate it if we can discuss something other then me being myself around my girlfriend."

In that moment, the words just came out. I knew I had blown it, but to be completely honest, why should I care? When I had first gotten here all Piper wanted to do was get in my pants. The constant flirting and smiling all added to the fact that she was attracted to me. She just wasn't attrated to the real me. And I was perfectly fine with that. Why? Because I just wasn't attracted to her.

She smiles, at me, continuing with a bunch of other questions that weren't about my 'relationship' with Grace. It wasn't until the interview was finished had I remembered something else.

Grace. Grace had told me she was going to watch the interview before I had left.

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