"In all honesty though... what were you doing?" You questioned.

"It's not as if I told your son to throw his food around."

"Oh, so he's my son when he does something you don't like?" You asked, an eyebrow raised as you reached for a cloth to clean up the mess. And it was at this moment that Aryia knew he had to tread carefully.

"No." He reassured you.

He picked up Levi, partly because the baby needed a bath but also because if worse came to worst, he would be the best shield. You wouldn't even so much as yell at him when Levi was in the same room.

"He's your son because every time I try to get him to say "Dada", he says "Mama", and then he throws his breakfast at me."

You sniggered at how childish Aryia was being. "You shouldn't worry about it so much. He'll say it in his own time." You told him as you finished up the cleaning and followed Aryia and Levi into the bathroom to get the baby cleaned up.


Levi wasn't the tidiest eater at the best of times, but today he had definitely reached a new kind of messy. Aryia rolled up his sleeves before getting to work and checking the temperature of the bathwater, testing it with his elbow to make sure that it was perfect for the one-year-old.

Levi struggled in his grasp as his father tried to put him in the tub. Screeching, squirming, throwing things. This was definitely his kid. When Aryia was finally able to get him in the water, he turned to you.

"You have to admit that it's a little odd though."

"Actually, I don't." You said, flippantly brushing off his concern. "Most babies that are eighteen months old can only say two or three words and very few are able to say more than fifty, so he's definitely growing up quick. We can't go expecting too much from him."

"He'll probably say "Reggie" before "Dada" at this rate." He grumbled.

"W-We." Levi happily babbled, swishing the bathwater around.

Aryia's head spun around to you as he gave you the I-told-you-so expression.

"I'm sure that was just a coincidence." You joked, but the nervousness in your voice betrayed you.

The universe really liked to fuck with him.

Sensing his disappointment, you walked up to the pair and helped Aryia to wash Levi's hair.

"Say "Dada", "Daadaaa"." You encouraged him.

Thankfully, Levi had stopped trying to say "Reggie". If your roommate was here, Aryia would never have heard the end of it. Truthfully, he didn't know if he would ever be able to get over it if his son had said "Reggie" before he said "Dada".

However, Levi was now distracted by your hair, which he reached up to yank on. You quickly pulled your it away from him and held his hands. "No Levi. No pulling."

"No, no, no, no, no." The kid was like a parrot.

"Awwh, no one can stay mad at that face." You cooed, easily forgiving your baby.

Aryia just sighed as Levi became enraptured with laughter by the faces you were making.

"You shouldn't pout like that." You told him.

'Jeez, the woman has eyes in the back of her head.' He thought. "I'm not."

"Ary," You admonished gently "just because he's not saying "Dada", it doesn't mean he likes you any less than he likes me."

You passed the freshly cleaned, towelled bundle to your boyfriend. Even if he was currently Levi's second-favorite parent, he didn't mind. Aryia couldn't blame either of you for that. You were almost always the one who got up to tend to him in the middle of the night, feed him and play with him. Aryia was busy with music and YouTube at times. The most times he had to spend with the two of you were when he wasn't locked up in his studio making new songs or thinking of lyrics, and even then, you would almost always call him to check up on him or see if he needed anything.

Levi let out a tiny yawn as an involuntary smile spread across his face. The combination of food and a warm bath had made him quite sleepy.

"I'm gonna put him down for a nap."

You nodded in acknowledgement.


Aryia walked into the nursey, struggling to get Levi into his clothes as the baby was slumped over, practically asleep already.

The baby looked at him with unfocused eyes, but Aryia swore he could see some annoyance there. He was most likely upset that his dad hadn't allowed him to simply fall asleep in a warm towel; definitely your kid.

Feeling merciful and greatly amused by Levi's grumpy face, Aryia set him down in the crib. He chuckled as his son's eyes flew wide open the second he touched the blankets - as if to say he wasn't really sleepy and had been faking it the entire time.

"You're a lot more defiant than me. You never want to do anything unless you think it's your own idea, just like your mom. How about we make a deal?"

The infant in the crib looked up seriously as though he could actually understand what his father was saying and was truly considering his offer.

"No more prodding. But in return, it has to be my name first, okay? Ronnie and Rémy are fine too I guess, but please don't say the other roommates' names first. Your mom and dad have to be first."

He couldn't help himself from stroking his son's fuzzy dark hair. Levi let out a little yawn which then morphed into something else entirely.


It wasn't very loud but was crystal clear, too precise to be accidental.

As he stood by Levi's crib, Aryia felt no need to go and tell you what he had just heard. The moment felt almost too personal. You would hear him saying it soon enough anyway. Right now, only the two of them needed to know.

Naturally, it was the time he had given up trying to persuade Levi to say "Dada" that he would choose to comply, but he didn't hate that.

"You're something else, kid."


I apologize for how short my imagines have been lately but I really hope you're enjoying my stories! I'd love to hear some feedback or requests in the comments as I really wanna know what you guys think of my imagines book so far and I'd love to interact with you all more! I hope everyone is doing well and you guys enjoyed this story, I'll see you guys next week with a new imagine! 😊

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