Chapter 1

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A/N: This is my first story that I am publishing so take it easy and enjoy!


“Holy fuck it’s cold!” Aiden said as he stepped out of the car. 

“Oh, it’s not that bad,” I said.  “It’s like 30 degrees.”  I closed the car door and walked with my brother to the stairwell to exit the parking garage.  We were at The Rock for the New Jersey Devils season ticket holder signing.  I was so excited I could barely contain myself, my ultimate goal was to get Adam Henrique’s autograph.  He is my favorite player, I even went to game 6 in 2012 against the Rags. 

“Mia, it’s twelve degrees.” Aiden stated

“Oh.  Well it still isn’t bad.” I responded.  “I prefer the cold anyway.”

“You should live in Canada.”

“I would but then I couldn’t watch the Devils and I won’t be able to have Taylor Ham.” I said like it was obvious.

Aiden smirked.  “Born and raised Jersey.”

“Damn strait.” I smiled.

We walked in the rock and we immediately were struck by the amount of people that were there.  I guess we shouldn’t have been so shocked because this was one of the Devils best seasons and they were a sure in for the playoffs.  We have never been to a signing before so we were so lost.  We knew that we had to get wristbands but that was the extent of our knowledge. 

I guess the confused looks on our faces were obvious because one of the devils reps came over to us.  “You can get your wristbands over at that table near section 11.” He told us.

We replied with relieved nods and went over to the table.  We got our wristbands and headed over to where the players were, and the massive lines that were at each table. 

“Where do you want to start?” Aiden asked.

“The Henrique table has one of the longest lines so let’s wait until it dies down for him.  Let’s start at the Larsson table.” We got on line and waited for our chance.

The rest of the day went similarly.  The line at the Henrique table was just starting to die down a little and we jumped on that line when I realized that there was only a half an hour left at the signing. 

“Holy crap! I didn’t realize how long we have been here.” I said

“This was totally worth it!” Aiden exclaimed looking like a kid in a candy shop.  I nodded in complete agreement. 

I started to get a little nervous the closer we got to the front of the line.  I looked behind me and realized that there were only four people behind us and most of the other tables had already been packed up.  I guess they were done and just waiting for the last table to finish up.  At the table there was Henrique, Elias, and Bernier; all of who I needed signatures from.  Aiden was the first to go up and started with Adam.  When he was done I went up and handed him my Henrique jersey. 

“Hey!” I said while I handed him my jersey.  He had a weird look on his face for a split second before he snapped out of it and replied.  I almost thought I imagined it, it was so fast.

“Hey, what’s up? Thanks for coming!”

“This is awesome.  You’re my favorite player so this is so cool!”

A little smirked appeared on his face.  “Well I’m glad you came.  I love these events, it’s nice to see the fans and thank them.” He handed me my jersey back.

I looked at his signature and smile.  “Thanks!” I continued to walk down the table to Elias.  I get Patti’s signature and have a short conversation with him.  When I thank Patti, Aiden gets my attention and motions that he will meet me by the entrance when I’m done.  I nod and finally move down to Bernier.  As he is signing my jersey I am vaguely aware that Henrique leans over the Elias and says something in his ear.  Elias gets the attention of a security guard as I collect my jersey and walked away.  I am walking towards the entrance when the same security guard that Patti was talking to stops me. 

“Excuse me miss but could you follow me.”

“Sure?” I replied.  I followed him back to where I had come from. 

“Please wait here.” He stated and walked away.

“Okay?” I questioned not really sure what was going on. 

The longer I waited the more nervous I got.  I kept going over in my head what I had done throughout the day.  Had I done something to get in trouble?  I don’t know what I’m going to do if I get banned.  I live to go to Devils games.  As I continue freaking out my phone buzzes in my pocket.

From: Aiden

Where are you?

To: Aiden

A security guard stopped me.  I’ll be out soon.  Go to the car, I’ll meet you there.

From: Aiden


I sighed.  I had no idea how much longer I had to wait here or even why I was still here.  I looked up from my phone to see Adam Henrique ten feet away looking at me.


To: Aiden

Scratch that.  I might be a little bit in here.

I quickly put away my phone just as I felt it vibrate.  Aiden would have to wait because Adam was standing right in front of me at this point.

“Hey,” he said

“Hi.” I replied not really sure what to make of what was happening.

“I’m glad I caught you before you left.” He smiled.

“Me too.  But why did you stop me?”  I questioned.  “Or more accurately had a security guard stop me.”

His face turned a little red and he opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it.  Did I just make Adam Henrique blush?  Well I can cross that one off of the bucket list.  A nervous laugh escaped his lips as he looked at the floor.  I laughed at how nervous he seemed to be and my laugh seemed to break the ice. 

We started walking around the arena and just talked.  And not just about hockey but everything we could think of.  At one point we stopped at a small table that had two chairs and we both sat down. 

“Well I’ve been coming to games since I was four and the rest is history.  Although this is the first year that I have season tickets and has been totally worth it.”  I stated with a smile. 

At that point I saw Aiden walking towards us. 

“Mia where have you been? I’ve been waiting nearly an hour-.”  He stopped short when he saw who I was talking to. 

“Sorry Aiden I just lost track of time.” I apologized.

Adam smiled, “Sorry for keeping her.  Aiden was it?”

“Yah.” Aiden said nearly speechless.  “Well dad called and he needs the car so we have to head home.”

“Okay.” I replied.  Adam’s face fell a little bit.  “It was nice talking to you.”

“Yah you too.” I started to walk towards the exit when Adam caught up to me.  “Here, let me give you my number.” He handed me his cell.  I dug mine out of my pocket and handed it to him.  We exchanged numbers and said our good-byes. 

Aiden and I walked to the parking garage and we got into the car. 

“What the hell just happened?” Aiden questioned in disbelief.

“I have no idea.” I replied.  But whatever it was, I certainly wasn’t complaining.  

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