Chapter 3: How to rob the Vault

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Step 1: Rob a few more Paletos to get the red dongles.

Step 2: Haunt more cops and ping them your location.

Step 3: Don't forget to leave a sandwich behind.

Step 4: Never fail a hack and be loyal to Mr Lang. Gain his trust.

Step 5: Play hard to get: if Mr Lang says "I love you", don't say it back. If he demands it, just mumble something under your breath.

Step 6: Prepare to rob the city Vault.

Step 7: The pressure will be high because you'll be the crew's solo hacker, so DON'T BE NERVOUS.

Step 8: Don't practice for thermite because you don't need to.

Step 9: Prepare the getaway plan and don't be nervous. If your crew contains Raymond, Tony and Mr Lang, they will show you the best support.

Step 10: Make sure the plane for the getaway plan blows up. It's the first step to becoming a scuffboi.

Step 12: Drive to the vault and wait for Tony and Raymond to get the hostages.

Step 13: Turn on some good hacking music to help you focus.

Step 14: One-shot the first thermite door and blow Lang Buddha's mind.

Step 15: Pass the first red laptop. It's okay if you don't one-shot it, just don't break it.

Step 16: Have the second red laptop scuff out.

Step 17: Don't panic because Dean Prime will deliver you a fresh red laptop.

Step 18: One-shot the rest of the vault and lean in front of the door with Mr Lang.

Step 19: Turn on some Empty Bed and let Tony show off his driving skills on the getaway (because you suck at driving).

Step 20: It's okay if the plan goes to poop for the first time and you guys get caught.

Step 21: Lean on the wall in the prison cell with Mr Lang.

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