Protective Yelena

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You get harassed by a guy at a party and things get a bit out of hands with Yelena. Bothering the girlfriend of one of the deadliest assassin on earth isn't the greatest idea...

Triggers warnings : homophobia, attempt of sexual assault.

Too bright, too noisy, too crowded, everything was just too much.

You didn't even want to come at this party in the first place. You had only accepted because Yelena had just gone back from a dangerous mission and deserved to have fun with her friends.

You knew she would have never left you alone at home if you had said no but you didn't want to be a burden to her.

One party couldn't be too hard to handle as long as you stayed with your girlfriend right ?

But Yelena and you had been separated a couple of minutes ago, you couldn't find her anywhere and was starting to feel extremely overwhelmed.

Trying to control your laborious breath, you made your way to the restroom. You really needed some time to calm yourself and it was the only empty room in the entire house.

You climbed the stairs leading to the first floor and was about to finally enter the toilet when you felt someone's hand on your shoulder.

" Yelena ! " You exclaimed happily. " I'm so glad that you're here. I couldn't find you and..."

You stopped, quickly realizing that the hand didn't belong to your girlfriend but to a very tall boy with a disturbing smile.

" You seem lost, pretty girl." He whispered, his voice low and oddly threatening. " Are you ok ? "

" Absolutely" You replied while pushing him away. " I'm absolutely fine. Now can you please leave me alone ?"

" But why ? There are plenty of free rooms here, we could have an amazing time together ! "

" I..." You stuttered, feeling more and more uncomfortable. " It's very nice of you but I have a girlfriend. And she's coming to get me anytime now."

" So you're a dyke huh ? " He snickered while roughly grabbing your arm. " I'm sure that a real man like me can make you change your mind. Your girlfriend will be a distant memory in a couple of minutes. "

You tried to free yourself from his grip but he was way stronger than you. Fighting him was completely worthless so instead, you grabbed your cellphone with your free arm and dialed Yelena's number.

" Hey, what do you think you're doing ? " He yelled, trying to take the phone away from you. " Give it to me or things will get very bad for you ! "

You ignored his warning and pressed Yelena's name on the screen, praying that she would answer.

" Where are you моя любовь ? " The blonde immediately picked up the phone. " I can't find you anywhere, is everything ok ? "

" Please Lena you need to help me ! " You screamed, fully sobbing at this point " I'm on the first floor and there's... "

You didn't even have time to finish your sentence. A hard blow hit you on the back of the head and everything went black.

" Get away from her or I'll fucking kill you ! "

You heard someone yell very loudly as you opened your eyes with a groan.

" I said get away from her ! "

Everything felt blurry and weird but you still manage to spot your girlfriend on the other side of the room, looking at someone with a death glare.

" Lena ? " You mumbled " What's happening ?" .

" It's ok Y/n I'm gonna get you out of
here. "

" Or you're gonna walk out of this room before I beat the shit out of you both. "
A second voice answered her, low and threatening. " What about this blondie ? "

You turned your head, still very sore, and saw the guy who had attacked you in the corridor.

He was standing a couple of foot away from the bed you were laid on, his pants unzipped. He was obviously putting them off when Yelena had barged in.

" I already warned you once, don't force me to do it again. " Your girlfriend screamed, even angrier this time. " Get away from her or you'll regret it."

The boy took a step toward you, laughing at Yelena's threat. He didn't know her enough to understand the mistake he was making.

In a blink of an eye, he was on the floor, throat crushed under Yelena's arm. Chocking, he tried to push her away but it was hopeless. A widow's web was impossible to escape once you were stuck in it.

When his face turned blue and his movement became slower, you waited for your girlfriend to release him but she didn't.

" Yelena ! Please don't do this ! " You screamed as the boy was slowly falling unconscious. " He's not worth it, you'll get in trouble for nothing ! "

" For nothing ? Y/n, he tried to..." She stopped, unable to say the word. " To hurt you very badly ! I am your girlfriend, I'm supposed to protect you by removing any possible threat from your life. And this guy obvious is one ! "

You wanted to find something, anything to say that would make her stop. But instead, you just started sobbing uncontrollably.

You had just been almost raped by a guy and the only thing you wanted from Yelena was a reassuring hug. You didn't want her to kill someone, especially not because of you !

Hearing you cry, your girlfriend hesitated but finally released the boy to wrap you in her arms.

" Shhhh, it's ok. It's ok моя любовь. " She whispered, holding you close as you wept. " I'm here, I promise I'll never let you go again. "

" Please don't kill him. I don't want you to go to jail. I don't wanna be alone !"

" He didn't have the time to touch you did he ? " Yelena asked in return, concern showing in her voice. " Because if he did there's nothing you can say to prevent me from killing him. "

You were crying too much to answer properly so you just shook your head no.

" I'll let him live then." She kissed the top of your head. " I think that bastard learnt his lesson anyway. Let's get out of here ok ?"

You nodded and Yelena picked you up bridal style. You felt too weak to walk on your own and the idea of being only a couple of inches apart from your girlfriend terrified you.

She carried you all the way out of the house and then held your hand in the car bringing you back home.

She never let go just as she had promised and you realized just how lucky you were to have her.

I know the end is a bit weird but I couldn't find anything better so sorry I guess. Please tell me what you thought in the comments 😉.

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