Chapter 2: Am I real? TW: scars,bruises and abuse

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I remember the magician saying he'll make me come back but he still hasn't done it. The shows over and the magician didn't bring me back to the world yet. My father starts walking to the car and I start to get worried. I yell for my father but he just simply can't here me. He dives away without me and doesn't even notice,I start to cry until the same 18 year old boy from the audience of the magic show taps my shoulder. Or at least I thought at the moment. And it was but just different I couldn't really tell what was different,but there was scars and bruises. He said "They forgot me too" I was confused and scared at first but the boy that I didn't get the name for saw that and explained. He told me "That magician at the show did the same trick on me too. And ever since nobody remembers me. So what are you going do stand there and gaze at me or are you gonna go help me figure out why the f**k we disappeared from this world." Without a doubt I said yes. We were walking down the road of my neighborhood or I had thought. We made to my house but it looked old and different than before. It had vines on it and rats living in me and the boy we're shocked. He asked me if this was my real house or if I was playing with him. I told him that it was my house before I had became invisible. And then I got all rude and asked him "If you're gonna make fun of me why won't you give me your name so I can make fun of hm how about that" He eventually told me his name on our walk. And then we saw a sad young girl. She looked at us and then she started to sob. We both were confused and curious so I asked her what's wrong. She told us that a magician at a show made her disappear. Me and Ryan (the boy) we're shocked,we then told her the same thing happened to us and she joined us on our walk. She asked us questions like how old are you and what's your name. We told our names and our ages and so on. The girls is Griffin and she's 17 it also turns out that Ryan has a twin brother and that he abused him. I guess that's who I saw at the event I say in my head. But we keep on walking to Ryan's house and as soon as we get there a strange boy that looks exactly like Ryan walks out the door. Ryan believes it's his twin brother so me and Griffin go along with it. But when we all where walking down the road to go to Griffin's neighborhood we saw a girl walk out of my house and the same thing happened she looked extremely like me! Griffin suggested that other people were created to replace us I believed but Ryan didn't. He said that he still believes that it was his "evil twin brother that he had saw". But me and Griffin know there have to be replicas of all of us. Anyway we get to Griffin's neighborhood. We see a girl that looks way too much like Griffin walking out the door. For some reason now Ryan belives us. We also see two cars driving from each direction. And it turns out to be our (Ryan & Amanda's) "twins"! We all run to a broken down car and Ryan starts driving. But you'll never guess what happened next... To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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