"You and me both." I laugh as we enjoy the mild winter as opposed to what we have back home. My laughter is cut short when I hear my and Bucky's song, The Nearness by Glenn Miller on the radio.

"Ah! This is a good one!" He cheers and hums slowly along with it.

"This is our song... Buck and I, we always dance to this." I smile. "Remind me to find this one on record when we get home!"

"I didn't know you had a song. That's good, nice." He smiles sadly.

I hear a shuffling and voices outside, then the key in the lock before the door to our industrial type building swings open to show the men have again returned.

I launch myself into Bucky's arms. He winces audibly and physically but still wraps himself around me. The imaginary rubber band on us relaxes and holds us close.

"Hey doll..." he grumbles out sounding pained.

"Left calf , wooden bullet shards. Also took a blade to the thigh." Steve says, then placing a hand on Bucky's shoulder. "He got hit the worst."

I pull back from my hug to look down at his leg. He's keeping more weight on his right side and there's fabric wrapped around his thigh and calf. "It's nothing really..." he says.

"You really did take all the stupid with you, didn't you?" I tease them. "Cmon, let's get you fixed up." I smile to him. "Can I get a hand Steve?"

Steve helps me get him to a small room where I've got my field supplies. "There may be a few men needing stitches." He says.

"Well, get em lined up for me. If this doofus is the worst then I'll work my way from here." I tell him to which he nods and goes around to the men leaving Bucky and I alone together.

"Gotta get this out doll. I think I feel the healing around it." He groans.

"You said you were fine, James." I glare at him.

"I am fine. I'll be better after this is out though." He says through gritted teeth

"Clearly. Need anything for the pain?" I ask as I hurry to gather what I'll need.

"No, just get rid of it please, babe." He grits his teeth and I nod. "It's so uncomfortable."

"Lose the pants or I'll have to cut them." I advise.

I smile at him as he strips down to his briefs, I remove the make shift bandages from when they were in the field and see he's right. It's started healing already. I mutter apologies to him as I open the wound up some more then go in to remove the bullet as quickly and efficiently as I can.

As I remove the first piece, his groans of discomfort echo around us. We hear conversations outside the room halt.

I put my focus into removing his pain while I take out the shards. His groans come to a halt, he closes his eyes and puts his head back. The pain, screams and discomfort begin reminding him of his time at the hydra base being their test subject.

"Do you remember that time you took me to see the Statue of Liberty?" I ask with a smile as I keep working away to distract him.

He chuckles and flicks his gaze to me while a blush creeps up his cheeks. "How could I forget?"

"Buuuck, where are we going?" I whine as he pulls me out the door. "I thought we were just going to stay in tonight."

"Well I feel bad that we couldn't use those tickets to the Dodger's game." He shrugs.

1941 {Bucky Barnes x OC}Where stories live. Discover now