Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

I rose early, some part of me was desperate to see them. I didn't know what I planned to say. I wasn't sure I had the nerve to let myself loose on Alexandria or the silent boy but... there was a knock on my door, then muffled giggles and hurried footsteps. Never a good sign. I opened the door and suddenly found myself covered in slime. Well, screw that debate. They were SO dead. I had opened the door to find that not only was the hall covered in that stupid party foam that sticks to everything including hair but that I had succeeded in causing a giant bucket of who knows what to fall on top of my bed head hair and thin pyjamas. I stood there shivering for a few moments letting the watery mud slid slowly to the ground and trying to make my still sleepy brain work.

 I glanced left. This. Was. Not. Happening. The whole hall had been sprayed. It was a massive spiders web. I slammed the door and had a minor meltdown. Maybe you think I'm just a major diva by now but this had just crossed a line. No, obliterated it. Off the scale. With my hopes of making it down to breakfast without looking like some sort of nut-job also obliterated I pulled out my stash of galaxy bars and ate one whilst I plotted my revenge. This was SO not the "upfront punch-up" sort of thing. If I went for straight confrontation I could already picture their innocent faces pretending to be hurt by my allegations. They'd probably involve one of the adults lurking about somewhere. No. This called for something a little more sophisticated. The thought of "her" smirk, pushing that perfect blonde back from her face, hand on hip flaunting her designer skinny jeans made my skin crawl. It had been her. It had to be. I lay back on my bed, remembered I was still covered in sludge and jumped back up. As a struggled to change into one of my older tops (there was no way I was risking getting the superdry slimed) I got the idea. One surefire way to get under the enemies skin is to play their game better than they do. Why not slime her? It would be easy enough. I'd wait until I heard them come up from breakfast and make sure she was preoccupied then, I'd strike. As I continued to munch on my not so healthy breakfast of chocolate I stepped back out onto the parapet hoping that the sun would dry my hair off a bit. I looked out over the grounds. The adults were eating their breakfast inside the conservatory. This was the first look I'd had of nearly all of them except auntie Hilary and also my uncle Thomas. They were all old and all dressed in similar skirts dresses or trousers. I imagined what it must be like to live up here, so far away from a city or even a town, pretty lonely in such a big house I guessed.Then, I heard the others coming up the stairs, giggling as they tried to get through their sticky trap and moaning about having to wash their hair afterwards. Perfectissiomo.

First of all I set everything up, which meant using my dongle (I don't know it was a present from some tech nerd uncle) thing to access remote internet and logging onto facebook. I took the time to comment on a few things but then delved back into my suitcase for the camera mum had given me specially to take some "happy memories" well, this was my idea of a good time. The battery was fully charged so I stuck it into my pocket and picked up the water jug. The jug was heavier than I'd thought and since I didn't want to risk breaking something that would with my luck turn out to be some ancient Chinese artefact poured the water into the bucket they'd used on me. Slipping on my shoes I climbed out the window and made my way across the roof grateful for the ledge along the edge. Her window like all the others up here was wide open as it was so hot and shockingly the house had not air conditioning/

I'd timed my epiphany perfectly. Alexandria was indeed back from her "healthy vegetarian" breakfast and getting dressed in the bathroom. Carrying the large bucket of water which I was now so glad I'd left untouched I edged my way across the roof and ducked into her room. I was surprised. It was obvious she'd been to the manor before. The walls were covered in posters and there was a house phone sitting on a desk. I crept over to the door of her en-suite bathroom and opened it a

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