Nevertheless they served and started thier breakfast while conversing with each other in professional tone.

Mustafa picked his glass of water to drink when the liquid spit out when they all heard an unmanly shriek.

They looked and saw abdul's shocked featured face clad in kurta and salwar. Eyes darted at the lady sitting on his seat.

Everyone suppressed their laugh and continue with the meal. Eira flamed seeing the lack of interest everyone in abdul's tensed body.

She was about to stand but Mustafa pulled her and blinked his eyes but never let go of hand.

She was still, not touching her plate and heard a giggle from her ammi.

she is the birth enemy of Abdullah. And finally eira got the situation and looked at all members enjoying abdul's situation.

Everyone watched as abdul walked to another chair, pulled it and sat beside his father with tensed body much to everyone shock. They all shared a looked.

Mustafa cleared his throat and looked towards habiba gesturing her to serve him.abdul hates when habiba dies that.

"Abdul should I serve-" habiba was asked while stretching her hand to put a pratha in abdul's plate but he stood abruptly and walked out.

Eira's face fell seeing this so she too stood meekly and walked in the kitchen.


Abdul walked out in the garden and sat on the grass gathering his sanity as his dream was playing in his mind like broken record.

He was cursing in fury when he heard a soft feathery voice beside him. He knew  eira would come behind him but with a tray if food was not expected.

"Have some and why you came from there?" Eira asked with curious  eyes.

"Because she was there" Abdul found his voice still lost through eyes.

"Hmm..............finish the whole tray" eira sighed and instructed coping mustafa's voice which made Abdul laugh much to her releif.

"I can't have so much you  eat half of this for me okay. "Abdul replied mimicking his brother.

They both laughed than dig in to finish the meal.


After breakfast all ladies sat in ammi's room to gossip.

"So,eira Mustafa treat you well right?" Eira frown but said in a confidently

"He does. But why all of you are so curious to know that.? You know ammi.........even in haveli all ladies even dadi asked of he is good with or not why they are asking I still didn't get!" Eira complained to ammi.

Habiba and ammi just smile.

"Because ........Mustafa is the short temper man of the family. He losses his cool if same thing is asked twice. He hates to answer the curious people and will never let anyone lay a finger on his watches, clothes, blazers and even his nailcutter.......He always asks for a separate room........He loathe the person whom he have to share his room, even that Abdul hates these but he do adjust but.......your husband will never compromise .......He would get a room in hotel which might be far far away from the venue but will never compromise but when he asked-"
Habiba was speaking in one breath remembering the events.

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