Lets start at the beginning...

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Hi my name is Regena..lately my life
Has been less then perfect..me and my boyfriend of eleven years just had a very messy break-up and As if that wasn't hard enough we have a daughter that I almost never get to see now. It took alot for me to pick up and start again but I did it. New job new town new life...But this is the story of what really turned everything upside down. One things for sure..I never saw it coming..

It was a day just like any other, work was done for the day and I had some errands to run. On my way to the grocery store I noticed something very odd..the old abandoned factory on the corner had a black esclade in front of it. Huh..I thought but kept driving it was none of my concern. I pull up to the parking lot parked my car and headed into the store. My mind was so full of all the various things in my life that I barely noticed the very handsome man that I almost ran into. "Excuse me" said the mystery man. "Oh no your OK" I said still distracted. "Um, are you from here" he asked me. Still not paying much attention to him I said "Yeah I guess, why?" "I was just wondering what u know about that old abandoned factory on the corner of 5th and Broadway." Something about that statement made me look up from what I was doing. Holy hell he's gorgeous, I thought to myself. Ok girl keep it together, make words. "Um, not much, all I know is back in the day they used to manufacturer stuff for the military it was pretty top secrets so no body really talked about it." "If I may, why the interest?" I was so out of it and stressed out that I never occurred to me who I was talking to. He started talking explaining to me about the rumors of haunting and such. It was then that it clicked inside my head..Oh my frigging God..I thought to myself. It's Zak as in Bagans..I all of a sudden felt like I was gonna pass out. I leaned on a display case to keep my balance. "Then that ya'lls black esclade out front" "Yeah, he said, well actually its a rentel but u know." I started to nervously play with my hair. "How, um long are u um gonna b in town, cause i'd love to help in anyway I can" I've got many questions about that place myself" He smiled at me. "You seem like a nice girl and I get a good feeling from you, I NEVER do this but if u wanna help out I would appreciate it" I watched in shock as he took out his phone to give me his number. I took mine out and put his in it...I felt like I was dreaming, was this really happening?? "I gotta get going" he said, but I'll stay in touch." "Yeah, you got it." I said dazed out. Holy shit I thought what the hell just happened? I stood in the store like a zombie starring at the phone number of this ghost hunting Adonis. I'm gonna give him what he wants I thought. Walking like in a dream I finished my shopping and headed home, still convinced that I was dreaming.

Chapter II
Work, Research & Suprises

Once I got home I unloaded my grocieies put things away and layed on my couch, I had to I felt like I was gonna fall out. I ended up falling asleep, waking up hours later I fanticly searched for my phone to see if I was truly dreaming or if that incredibly hot adonas had in fact given me his number. Oh my God he did I thought. "What time is it" I thought to myself..Oh shit I gotta go to work..I showered ate and was out the door in record time. I was still pretty new and I didn't have any friends really just the people at the hospital were I worked. I'm a nurse and have a ton of responsibilities but after what happened it was very hard to keep my mind on my job. "Are you ok?" Asked Janus one of my co-workers. She was always really nice to me and welcoming when I first started. I looked at her and smiled "I'm fine thanks, just a lot on my mind." "Are you sure cause if you ever need to talk I'm a good listener"she assured me. "Thanks that's sweet, I'll keep that in mind" She smiled and went about her business. The day came to a close and Zak was still on my mind, I was tired and hungry but I was determined to give him the help he asked for. I was home for a while on my computer researching this factory..hoping to find anything. Someone wanted this place covered up and forgotten but why..I had to find out. As i'm sitting there stunned my phone rings. I look at it and gasp..it's Zak. "Hello?" He asked me if I was able to find any information on the building at all. "You know, it's really strange that you ask cause I was trying and I can't find anything. It's almost as if someone wants this place forgotten." He listened to every word I said.
He was so sweet and thanked me for trying. "Oh, i'm not gonna give up that easy, I'll get cha what you need. His voice lit up and next thing I knew he was inviting me to have dinner with him on his last night here. Completely stunned I stammered "I...I'd love to." "Would you like me to pick you up or do you wanna meet me"he asked Still flabbergasted I said "Whatever you prefer" "Ok..um I guess gimme your address and I'll pick you up say sevenish" My heart stop for a second "Sounds great, I'll see you then." Bye. I hung up the phone and had a mild stroke. OH MY GOD..OH MY GOD!!!!! I gotta find what i'm gonna wear get my hair and nails done gotta do this right I thought. Off I went. By seven o'clock I was ready. Trying desperately not to pase the floor I waited for him. I looked at my cell phone almost seven thirty, where is he? At last a knock on the door. I opened it and god did he look good if I knew him more I would've said to hell with dinner and ravished him right on the spot. We made small talk for a minute got in his car and left. We pulled up to the restaurant and a valet parked his car. He opened my door took my hand and we walked in. We sat down ordered laughed talked it was electric. The food was delicious and he was beyond wonderful. I was definitely feeling something for him. He dropped me off at my house three or four hours later. He looked at me deep in my eyes. "I had a great time with you tonight I wish I didn't haffta go in the morning." I put my hand on his cheek "Tell me you be back" "Not for a while i'm afraid." My eyes looked sad. He kisses me sweetly and said "Don't worry I told you i'd stay in touch" I kissed him back and said"You'd better, have a safe trip,"I get out of the car and watch him drive away. I unlocked my door and went inside leaning up against the closed door. I sighed deeply, I'm in love. I thought

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