After how many hours arguing at bar's private room they finally went home and wash themselves. They went home but to Tzuyu's house, they all gathered at Tzuyu and Sana's house.

Nayeon already told their professor that they will absent for now, she make an excuse that it made the professor agree.

Sana, Jennie and Nayeon already finished at making soup for them and tha id1ots also finished washing themselves.

They serve them each one of soup to sober them from drinking.

Seulgi and Lisa peacefully eating

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Seulgi and Lisa peacefully eating

"Guys, your girlfriends are scary except for Jennie" (Yujin whispered to Jeongyeon and Tzuyu)

"Yah, my back still hurts from her slap" (Jeongyeon)

"I hope we didn't do silly things earlier" (Tzuyu)

"I don't think so" (Jeongyeon)

"Why? do you remember everything?" (Tzuyu)

"No, but when Nayeon slap  me many times I sobered up then I saw you, Yujin and Seulgi doing silly thing to Sana" (Jeongyeon)


"Yah! what are you three whispering about?" (Nayeon)

"eat well my lili" (Jennie)

"I envy her" (Jeongyeon)

"Me too" (Tzuyu)

"Atleast you two has a gfs" (Yujin)


After they eat their gfs went to Sana's room chatting about everything and the sports team at the living room.

*Ding dong*

"Oh, Yujin go check it who's out there" (Seulgi)

"Yah, why me?" (Yujin)

"You're the youngest" (Lisa)

Yujin went to the door and check who keep ringing the bell, "Who's out there?" She asked and she gasp when she open the door "Ohh... uh...?"

She saw Chaeyoung and Mina standing outside the door.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Oh, Yujin uhm... I think guys are doing something fun in there uhm can we all tal-" (Chaeyoung)

"Oh, sorry we're busy" Yujin interrupt her and close the door then she went back to the living room

"Who was that?" (Jeongyeon)

"the traitor" (Yujin)

"Oh, good job uri Yujin" (Seulgi)


Next day morning,

They all went early to school for morning class and morning training. While they are walking at the hallway on the way to the room they accidentally met Mina and Chaeyoung at the hallway.

They all stopped at the center of the hallway, face to face.

"Look who's here" (Yujin)

"Tzu, that's Mina and Chaeyoung right? the one who visits in our house?" Sana said and Tzuyu just nod.

"How pathetic" (Jennie mumbled)

"Hey you two, what are you two doing here? tryna cause a scene? Well, we're busy today so please just disappear" (Jeongyeon)

"That's rude Jeong, why are you all mad at them?" (Sana)

"Unnie can you please go to the room first with Sana?" (Tzuyu to Nayeon and Jennie)

All of them know what happen before except Sana, so they went to their room first with Sana so Sana won't interrupt them and won't hear arguing.

"Yah, I already moved on from everything I even erase you two in my life especially the memories we all had then why you two keep showing in front of me? tryna ruin my life again huh? or what?" (Tzuyu)

"Uhm, can't we talk somewhere private?" (Chaeyoung)

"No, we're busy" (Lisa)

"Let's go, we're gonna late" (Seulgi)

When they are about to leave Mina said something that it made stop from walking,

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