The wirral scenes

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(Hey guys , I have decided to write a prediction for next weeks episode , summer returns to the village , but will she kill Brody or sienna ? , hope you guys enjoy)
Liberty : sienna what's wrong
Sienna : sorry I
Liberty : your still thinking about her aren't you
Sienna : lib I can't help it
Liberty : she tried to kill you
Sienna : she wouldn't have actually done it
Liberty : have you heard yourself , summer is a bad person , you can't possible feel sorry for her
Sienna : I don't know what to feel anymore , brody's rejected me again and summer she was the only person... who understood me
Liberty : you've got to let this go
Sienna : I can't lib , I need to find her
(Liberty goes to see Brody)
Brody : hey
Liberty : sienna is still holding on to summer
Brody : oh right
liberty : no it's not alright this is your fault , you have made sienna this person
Brody : I didn't do anything that was summer
Liberty : well we need to sort this out
(sienna is at her flat when liberty arrives)
Liberty : what's wrong ?
Sienna : that was from PC franks , they've found a body and they think it might be summers
Liberty : what ?
Sienna : I need to go , she shouldn't be on her own right now
Liberty : you can't go not with the state your in
Sienna : I need to see if it's her !
(Sienna goes to the hospital alone)
Liberty tells Brody what has happened so she goes to find sienna)
Brody : sienna
Sienna : what are you doing here , I need to do this on my own
Brody : why ?
Sienna : because I loved her and if she's dead then I don't know what I will do
Brody : she tried to kill you
Sienna : only because you killed her dad
Brody : I didn't I threw the first punch
Sienna : summer wouldn't of even been here if you had just listened to me
Brody : well I'm sorry ok
(Sienna goes into the room , sienna has relief on her face and also scared)
Sienna : it's not summer
Brody : she's still out there then
Sienna : yeah
(the police send Brody and sienna to a safe house)
Brody : I can't believe this , you had an affair with Warren and then summer
Sienna : I'm sorry ok , she was the only one who was there for me
Brody : this is all your Fault , liberty could have died !
Sienna : summer wouldn't of done that
Brody : stop trying to protect her , summer was a bad person and she never loved you !
Sienna : she did
Brody : look I'm sorry ok , we've got to make the best of this situation and I'm sorry this happened
Sienna : it's ok
(Brody and sienna hug)
Brody : whatever happens , we will be ok
Sienna : yeah we will
(Brody is about to kiss sienna when summer comes out)
(Sienna and Brody both look horrified)
(Summer points a gun at sienna)
Sienna : summer ? , I thought you were dead
Summer : I'm here aren't I !
Sienna : right well your looking well
Summer : just stop talking !
Sienna : summer please put the gun down
(Brody walks in front of sienna)
Summer : what was your plan , you were gonna get rid of me and then you two live happily ever after ?!
Sienna : no summer it's not like that
Summer : I thought you loved me !
Sienna : I did
Summer : no you were only with me to stay with Brody !
Sienna : no summer that's not true
Summer : you lied to me and you betrayed me !
Sienna : summer please can we just talk
Summer : no we can't !
Brody : look this isn't sienna's fault
Summer : did I ask you to speak !
Brody : look yeah I threw the first punch on cormac but your dad did some very bad things to me
Summer : just shut up !
Brody : look I wanted to go to police but Felix and Warren wouldn't go
Summer : but you were still gonna kill him !
Brody : it was warrens idea not mine
Summer : don't try and turn this around ! , first you take my dad away from me and now you take sienna away from me !
Brody : I'm sorry
Summer : it's too late for that !
Sienna : no summer please...
(Brody gets down on the floor)
Brody : shoot me instead , just leave sienna out of this , look I will leave , I will go anywhere away from here , but just let sienna go
(Summer slowly puts the gun down)
(But then she gets a flash back of her dad lying in a coma and she loses control)
Sienna : summer , summer , what are you doing ?
(Summers gun goes off)
(Sienna is lying on the floor and summer is also on the floor)
Sienna : what happened ? , summer you didn't did you ?
(Sienna goes over to the cliff and sees Brody lying there)
Sienna : Brody ?
(sienna starts crying)
(Sienna looks at summer)
Sienna : I think he's...
(Summer goes down to the cliff)
Sienna : summer is he breathing ?!
Summer : no it's too late he's dead
Sienna : what no he can't be
Summer : he is
(Summer puts her hood up)
sienna : where are you going ?
Summer : away
Sienna : no you can't just leave him here
(Summer runs off)
Sienna : summer !
Closing titles

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