Home Pt. 2

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Dunwall. Once, a thriving city at the heart of it's Empire. Now, it is once again a rotting hellhole filled with murderers, rats, and corpses. There were not enough words known to man that could describe the types of foul heresy being performed in this cursed city. First, it was the Rat Plague. The time where rats swarmed the streets, spreading their foul disease to the weak and sickly, turning them into wretched abominations that bled from the eyes. The time where the Outsider was worshiped relentlessly, where family and friend fought to carve each other's bones into offerings for their disgusting rituals. The time where the City Watch bled of corruption and power, where the Overseers held influence and strength, where the aristocrats held parties while the poor starved, cold and in pain while the blood leaked from their eyes and the bugs began swarming their nearly dead bodies.

But then, there was an end to this hell. With the young Lady Emily restored to the throne after her mother's assassination, Dunwall had hope again. We fought against this tide of heresy and destruction until it was gone. No more swarms of rats that would eat a man whole, bones and all. No more walking corpses of your friends and family. No more corruption. There was almost complete peace for 14 years. Sure, there were the scrapes with the local gangs, but those were normal for the City Watch to handle.

The Overseer took a deep breath as he finished praying, standing up from the rotting floorboards and making his way out the room. He took in the sight of the crumbling buildings and the flooded streets, the water filled with mud, blood, and whatever muck was inside. This was the Flooded District, the former home of the gang known as the Whalers, and their leader Daud. It's quite ironic that now, it serves as the main headquarters for the Overseers, their former enemy. When once upon a time the Overseers had their place in the Dunwall high society, they now are forced to live in this damp and ruined shithole.

"Brother Cormac!" The voice of another Overseer called from his perch across the street, higher up to survey the surrounding area with somewhat more ease, "the Warfare Council will start their meeting in about five minutes. I recommend you hurry."

Cormac nodded, replying with his thanks as he quickened his pace towards the Warfare Room. That was typically the place where the Warfare Council, a group of Overseers who planned the primary actions of the Abbey, planned out their next attacks upon the City Watch. They currently were making progress, gaining more and more ground outside of the Flooded District. But it was hard, with the City Watch having access to a permanent armory while the Overseers had to scavenge or steal whatever they could. It was honestly a turn of the tables, as before all this mess the Overseers had been much more well equipped. Every Overseer had a firearm and grenades, with a few being armed with music boxes to prevent heretics from using their cursed spells. They even had hounds, which excelled in both front line combat and on patrol routes.

If we gain a foothold in Drapers Ward, we may have a chance. Cormac thought as he ducked into the Warfare Room. We would have access to the waterfront, and furthermore a way to bring in weapons.

"Brother Cormac, welcome." Greeted an Overseer, standing around the war map with several other Overseers. "Tis a fine day for combat."

"There will always be a day for battle. But do not let your Restless Hands become servants of the Outsider, Brother Harold." Cormac replied, taking his place around the table.

On the table was a map of Dunwall, with markings around Overseer, City Watch, and Gang controlled territories. So far the City Watch had the higher class districts and most of the financial districts. The several gangs all fought each other over the slums and two or three financial districts. And the Overseers controlled the Flooded District, and were now gaining a foothold in the Lower Distillery District.

"I would like to begin this meeting with the news that we have recently gained several new pistols, along with a small amount of explosive ammunition." An Overseer with a red band tied around his left bicep said, placing his hands on the table.

"I believe that I shall add onto Weapons Master Arnold by reporting that we now have ten combat ready hounds. It will be difficult moving them through this cursed wasteland, but it can be done." Another Overseer with a blue armband on his left bicep added, folding his arms.

An Overseer with a dark green armband on his left bicep nodded at the information, examining the war map. "I thank you for the news, brothers. Weapons Master Arnold, I believe that if we are to take a foothold in the slums we may need your guns, as well as some hounds from Hound Master Williams."

The two Overseers mentioned nodded in acknowledgement, returning their focus to the war map. An Overseer with a yellow armband placed a hand on the hill of his sword, his other resting on the table "I would care to add that me and my men are very close to finishing our first batch of explosives. Hopefully, if we're lucky, they should be done by the day of the attack."

"Speaking of the attack on the slums against the Bottle Street Gang." Cormac spoke up, resting one hand on the table while the other stayed by his side, "I pitch the idea that we instead shift our focus onto Drapers Ward. Since the Hatters and Dead Eels are both weak from fighting each other, we could easily step in and take it from them. And since there is access to the water," Cormac placed a finger on a blue line on the map, lazily tracing it "We could have access to weapons and other needed materials. Besides, the Bottle Street Gang is helping innocent civilians survive the Watch raids and are providing them shelter."

The Overseer with the green band nodded "I see. You make a point, Warmaster Cormac. We shall focus our raid onto Drapers Ward. High Artificer Rolland, I thank you for your information. Perhaps your bombs will be of use at Drapers Ward." High Artificer Rolland nodded, returning focus to the map.

"I believe that should be all for today, brothers." The green-banded Overseer told to the council "Take time today to prepare for the attack now on Drapers Ward. We shall claim it from the wretched Empress in two days time." He then stood, "Long live the Abbey!"

"Long live the Abbey!"

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