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" Because we know who Jordie Rietveld is"

Kaz's eyes widened.


How did they know?

It wasn't possible. Only he knew who Jordie Rietveld was, only he knew how he became the monster he was, and he was going to take it to his grave.

His voice uncharacteristically shaky he answered, " Who is Jordie Rietveld?"

Loki looked at you, and you shook your head, Kaz wouldn't want his crows to know, but you also didn't want to die and were internally freaking out so you answered, " We know who he is, and we know how you came here, why you hate Pekka Rollins, We know how you became Kaz Brekker."

Kaz's expression didn't change. Again he asked, " Who is Jordie Rietveld?"

" Okay this isn't working, fine. If you want your crows to know who Jordie Rietveld is, I'll gladly tell them, but I'm not because I know you wouldn't want then to know how you became the monster you think you are!" you say, getting frustrated.

" Oh do tell." he replies, eyes glinting

" Alright then, if it is what the great Kaz Brekker wants, Before he came to Ketterdam, Kaz and his big brother-"

You would've continued but there was a certain cane pressed into your chest.

" Stop. I believe you." he says, a sheen of sweat present on his forehead

" Good, I didn't want to continue." you reply, looking into his coffee- colored orbs eyes.

He removes his cane from your chest and eyes you and Loki suspiciously.

" Who are you?" Inej asks, and it takes all your self-control not to squeal.

" I am Loki, of Asgard and I am burdened with- AH what was that for?!" he looks at where you've kicked him.

"Sorry about that. I'm Y/n, and that oaf over there is Loki, in our world, we're part of a team called the Avengers, basically we're protectors of that world."

" I'm a god!" Loki argues, making everyone's eyes widen.

" You're a god!" Matthias asks

" Yes! I am, I'm the God of Mischief and lies." he continues making you groan.

Matthias goes to kneel down, " Don't! You'll only fuel this oaf's ego" you warn.

" Are you a goddess too?" Inej say, eyes shining.

" Me? A goddess? Pff I wish. I'm only this idiot's best friend, but I'm just a simple normal girl. Who can control things with my mind."

" Well, you look like a goddess." Jesper flirts, Loki's eyes widen, clearly jealous. Of you.

" Oh thank you, you look more like a god than Loki." you reply, making Jesper grin.

" Wait, you can control things with your mind?" Kaz asks.

" And can I see your gun?" Jesper adds in,

"Sure sweetie," you hand your gun to a flustered Jesper.

" Ok Jesper, once you've figured it out, shoot me." you instruct him

" What?" he replies.

" yes, Kaz, you wanted to see what I do with my mind. Jesper shoot me."

Reluctantly, Jesper figures out how to use your gun and aims it at your shoulder.


The bullet is two inches away from your shoulder, floating in mid-air. You pluck it out and hand it back to Jesper, who's eyes are wide with shock. Loki looks on, proud of his best friend.

"That.was.awesome!" Nina jumped up and down.

" Nina? Oh my god Loki, it's Nina! Hi Nina! I love you!" you say going over to her, " Can I please hug you?"

Nina looks indecorously at you before sweeping you in a nice and long hug, making you internally scream,

" You're so cool!" you say

" Likewise!" Nina replies.

" Is that a knife?" Inej asks, referring to the blade Loki gave you, that's currently in it's sheath.

" Yes. I don't use it often though, it's more sentimental, that oaf over there gave it to me." you say gesturing to Loki, who is currently flirting with Wylan.

" So, since you're from another world, both of you need a place to stay?" Kaz asks.

" I did not think of that." you confess.

" You can stay here. Provided you help us, with our plans. We could use a god and a girl with your capabilities." he offers

" I appreciate the offer, Brekker. but-"

" Yes! We appreciate the offer! and we accept!" Loki cover your mouth with his hand and answers for you.

" Good." Kaz says, looking pleased, " Jesper and Inej, give them a room, they'll be staying with us now."


" WHERE THE HELL IS Y/N?!" Bucky screamed at Tony.

" Barnes. calm down we're trying to look for both of them, but the moment they entered the room, they disappeared!" Tony shouts, frustrated.

" My soul-sister is missing, and you're telling me to look calm! "

" Bucky, we're trying out best, you gotta calm down okay, Y/n's with Loki, they're best friends, she'll be fine." Steve holds his best friend down.

The Avenger and The Crow- A Kaz Brekker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now