Ivy:heh it's fine that was a nice attempt your pretty quick there y/n.

Y/n:thank you!.

Ivy:but I hope you know this means ima get you back someday.

Y/n:I look forward to it.

He says as they both smirk at each other until she turns back to sprig

Ivy:see ya later sprig but you won't see me.

She then backflips away

Anne:well well well she's kinda cute huh?.

She says with a teasing smile while wiggling her eyebrows

Sprig:I don't know what your talking about.

He says walking off while Anne follows him still saying well while y/n also follows them saying it differently

Anne:well well well well well well well.

Y/n:wellapy wellapy wellapy welp...why are we saying this again?

• • •

They trio finally made it back to the house

Anne:we're home!.

Hop pop comes running down to stairs

Hop pop:what have you three been doing? I've been looking for you all morning!.

Anne:oh nothing...except sprig was totally flirting with a cute girl!.

Y/n:I don't know about flirting but she was cute.

He gets nudged in the gut by Anne

Y/n:what? Cute as in adorable like a puppy or kitten.

Hop pop:*GASP* No Kidding?.

Sprig:Anne it's not like that ivy sundew and I are just friends.

Hop pop:ivy sundew? Nobody move! I'm getting the courtship kit!.

He then quickly runs back up the stairs while Anne is fan girling and y/n just has a confused look with Polly

Anne:this is so exciting I'm gonna go get my dating magazines brb!.

She runs down to the basement while y/n sprig and Polly are left




Polly:I don't actually care.

Y/n:i just don't know what's going on.

Hop pop comes back down with a chest in his hands then sets it on the table

Hop pop:here we go the firefly formal is tonight it's the perfect opportunity to begin the ritual.

Anne pops up from the basement hatch with her magazines


Y/n:*gasp*is it a sacrifice ritual!.

He says running in place

Hop pop:what no why is that the first thing You think of?.

Y/n:I don't know I'm messed up man plus you didn't specify what kind of ritual!.

Hop pop:hmm good point the boys getting smarter.

Y/n:hey I'm always smort!.

Hop pop:anyways only frogs who have preformed the ceremonial dance in the ceremonial garb are allowed to be wed

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