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Finally! Sorry guys for the long wait but it's finally here! I had to split it into bits so here is the first one!

Cally ran. She sprinted down the corridors, knowing the path by heart.

Left then right then straight on. Then left again

Cally ran full pelt until she felt she could run no more. Then she reached it. The griever hole.

Picking up a rock she judged where the exit was and threw it in. She missed.

Stepping a few feet back she wondered about jumping in. Escaping this awful hell she was trapped in. And If she missed.... But no. Newt would be heartbroken if he knew she had done that. Newt would be heartbroken if he even remembered....

"Stop it," She told herself.

"Self pity never got anyone anywhere." Turning round she jogged back to the glade in the nick of time.


The clangs started. The newbie alarm

Of course no one knew what it was yet. Except Cally. She knew this place inside out. Well. She did watch them make it for a year.

The deafining clangs shook the air and made several gladers hold their hands over their ears. Cally knew it would take a while until the poor kid actually made it up here so she sat by the edge and waited.

It was quite peaceful over by the box. Especially that no one could see her to bother her. Cally stared into the depths of the hole and strained her eyes to see the tiny cage moving up towards her. All she could see was darkness.

She sat for a while just thinking.

Reminiscing over Newt.

Remembering all the cute things he had done for her. Like the time he took her out to dinner and got the waiters to put them at a table in the back so she didn't have to stare at the creepy fish tank. Or when he got fireworks in her favourite colour to light up the sky on her birthday. Or the time when-


(That is how I imagine the sound of metal grinding to a halt while thumping against concrete.)

The box had arrived. Cally peeped in at the scared kid in the bottom while everyone else crowded around.

"What's your name shank?"

Cally and another glader said it simultaneously and she looked up surprised that they remembered their own language.

Of course it was all done to confuse and disoreintate the new greenies.

The boy scrambled to the edge of the box away from them and cowered in the corner.


"Spit it out shuckface!"

He swallowed. "Gally." He said.


Oooh. Gal pal has arrived! Next bit coming up soon! Ya think Cally would like him?

Lyric: This is the last lyric ever as no one even guesses them and it sucks. "Well he feels like an Elephant."

Newtgirl12,Signing out

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