3. Prefect Duties

Start from the beginning

She slowly opened the doors and walked inside. It was a room full of sculptures. There was a table infront of the window, the table and floor were all dirty from clay.

The the right corner was one place that wasn't full of sculptures, there stood two armchairs and a coffee table. There her father always sat while she worked, he often read a book and drank tea while waiting for her to show him her work.

After she was done sculpting she would sit next to Corvus and drink tea while listening to him read to her.

There still layed a book on the coffee table from the last time he sat there. That was a year ago. Now her father is almost always at St Mungo's hospital.

She quickly walked out of the room as she heard her mother shouting her name. She slowed down a bit before walking downstairs to see her mother looking her up and down.

"Good morning, mother" Alexia greeted with smile.

"I've been waiting for you. Father won't come with us, he's not feeling well." And with that her mother extended her arm for her to take.

Alexia just gave a small sigh and took her mother's hand and apparated into the King Cross station with her trunk in her hand.

The smell of train smoke hit her and she already felt like home. But before she could truly enjoy it she need to hear her mother's lecture, the same way as for the past two years.

"Listen, Alexia, you are the only daughter of the Lestrange family. Don't you dare get our family name dirty, know your place and don't start fights with those mudbloods or blood-traitors, they are not worthy of our time. Do you understand?" Leta asked narrowing her eyes.

"Yes, mother"

"Alright. You can go now" and with that her mother turned around and apparated away.

Alexia sighed and turned towards the red and gold train that will take her home.

She gave her trunk to one of the people that work on the train and walked inside. She walked those long train corridors until the end and opened the last compartment's doors.

"Lexa!!!" Was the first thing she heard and then she was in a bone crushing hug.

"Gosh Theo, let the girl breath you will kill her before we even leave the train station" was the second thing that Alexia heard.

"Oh fuck off, Rosier. I missed this hot stuff"

Yes, that is one half of her friends.

"Theo, I missed you too, but seriously get off of me. Your weight is the same as elephant's" Alexia mumbled trying to push him away.

"Oh Merlin. Lexa, are you calling me fat?" Theo gasped putting his hand on his chest.

"Actually I didn't, but I did now. You are fat"

"How dare you, Lestrange"

"Alright, we get it you missed each other. Now its my turn. ALEXIA!!" and with that Alexia was in a bone crushing hug again, but this time by a certain blonde haired girl named Felix Rosier.

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