3: Be ready

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The castle was truly stunning, made of what looked like marble, which almost glittered in the now slowly setting sun. It was by the beach from what she could see, and she stared in awe, after all, she couldn't remember the last time she'd been to the beach.

"Come on." Peter said. "We'll introduce you to our sisters, and then try and figure out just why you're here."

Isabella nodded at this, but she was still staring at the castle as they approached the huge doors, which were almost instantly opened for them. 

Peter jumped down off his unicorn, and Edmund jumped down from Philip, holding out his hand to help Isabella down.

She hesitantly took his hand and landed on her feet at least, stumbling a little but managing to not fall over, which she was glad of because that would've been embarrassing.

"Alright?" Edmund checked.

"Yeah I'm okay." Isabella said with a smile, letting go of his hand and taking a deep breath. 

"I'd say don't get separated from us." Peter said. "You might get very lost, but you'll get used to it eventually."

Isabella nodded and hurried after the two when they entered the castle.

She was so in awe of everything around her that she hardly even realised when the two boys stopped in front of a door, and she almost, almost that is, walked straight into Peter. 

"Susan, Lucy?" Peter asked, knocking. "You in there?"

"We're here yeah!" Came a voice from inside.

"Can we come in?" Edmund asked, removing the cloak he was wearing and draping it over his arm.

"Course." Came a different voice followed by a chuckle.

Peter rolled his eyes and entered the room, walking in and holding the door open for Edmund and Isabella. 

"I was beginning to think you'd never come home." One of the girls, the oldest, laughed at her two brothers, before frowning."Whos' this?" She asked, staring at Isabella.

"This is Isabella." Peter told her. "We found her in the woods, she's been brought here from England."

"Seriously?" Susan asked.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" Peter replied.

"Although none of us can figure out why she's here." Edmund stepped in. "Or how really."

The younger girl, who looked around the age of fifteen, wandered over and smiled at Isabella. "I'm Lucy." She said kindly. "And this is Susan."

Isabella smiled at her. "Nice to meet you Lucy." She said politely, unsure if she should bow seeming as both girls seemed to be wearing crowns, or more tiaras actually. "Or, Queen Lucy?"

"Oh don't bother with Queen." Lucy said quickly. "Truly, don't worry about it, there's no need." 

"You don't even know me though." Isabella said slowly. 

"Well, I'll get to know you." Lucy said with a smile. "I might as well seeming as you're gonna be here for the foreseeable future."

"About that..." Isabella said slowly. "Is there any way of getting back to England?"

Peter shook his head. "Not that we know of." He said.

"Why?" Susan asked gently. "Do you want to go home?"

"Oh no." Isabella said quickly. "There's nothing for me there."

Lucy frowned. "What about your family?" She asked. "Aren't you missing them?"

Isabella shook her head. "I have no family. I've never had a sibling and my parents died when I was younger." She told her.

Lucy's face fell. "I'm sorry." She murmered.

"Don't worry about it." Isabella said. "I was only two, I don't even remember how they died, and no one would ever tell me, and I don't really even remember them, I don't remember a lot from when I was younger to be honest." 

Lucy nodded a little. "Well maybe you could start a new life here?" She said.

"Okay Lucy," Peter stepped in with a laugh. "Let's just concentrate on working out how she's here first, and perhaps more importantly, why."

"Will there be a reason?" Isabella asked.

"More than likely." Susan replied. "But we just need to figure out what."

"As soon as we get you some more comfortable clothes." Lucy added. "What exactly are you wearing anyway?" 

"Clothes from the year 2015." Edmund answered for her.

Lucy blinked at her. "You're from 2015?!" She asked in shock.

Isabella laughed. "Yeah." She breathed. 

"Let's not bombard her with anymore questions just yet." Peter stepped in. "Susan, why don't you find her a dress to wear and we can meet down in the dining room for tea in fifteen minutes?"

"I can do that yeah." Susan said with a smile. "If you two leave." She added, nodding at the door.

But then she frowned. "Ed?" She asked her brother, who was staring at Isabella with something of a frown on his face.

"Yeah?" He muttered, slowly looking up at her.

Susan raised her eyebrow and nodded at the door, shaking her head slowly.

"Okay we're going." Edmund muttered, leaving the room along with Peter, closing the door behind them as they went.

"Okay." Susan said, taking a deep breath. "You okay? You're looking a little lost."

"No, no," Isabella said quickly. "Just still trying to wrap my head around everything."

"I know how you feel trust me." Susan said with a knowing laugh as she turned and opened what looked like a wardrobe. "But you'll get used to it, don't worry." 

"I hope so." Isabella murmered with a nervous laugh. 

"I think this dress will do nicely." Susan said, pulling out a beautiful pale pink, ankle length dress.

"You're joking?" Isabella actually laughed.

"Nope." Susan said with a grin. "We'll wait outside for you to get changed." 

Isabella stared at her. "I couldn't-"

"You can and you will." Susan interrupted her gently. "Come on, the boys are waiting for us, I can imagine you're hungry."

"Maybe a little." Isabella said with a shrug.

"See." Susan said, handing her the dress and making sure she took it. "Now get changed." 

And with that she and Lucy left the room.

"Well," Lucy breathed. "This day took a turn I wasn't expecting."

"You can say that again." Susan breathed. 

"Why do you reckon she's here?" Lucy mumbled, sounding confused.

"I have no idea." Susan replied. "But it wasn't anything good when we were called here was it?"

"You reckon something might happen?" Lucy wandered.

"Perhaps." Susan sighed. "So let's just be ready for if something does happen."

I'm just gonna update whenever I want with this fanfic, lol 😂

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