The beginning of Ultron

Start from the beginning

"Yes Thor will be there. Newly single I hear too." I joke as Tony and I leave the lab.

"Whats the rumpus?" Bruce asks us as he joins us on our way through the lab.

"Well, the sceptre. You see we were wondering how Strucker got so inventive, so I've been analysing the gem, inside you may recognise." Tony leads on, as he guides Bruce and I towards his side of the lab and opens up JARVIS.

I gaze slightly at the brightly lit up, flaming red desk my son usually occupies however, he was still at school right now so he wasn't home yet. I couldn't wait to see him. He's been in Happy's care for the week while Tony and I have been away.

"JARVIS?" Bruce says bringing my attention back to the structure in front of me.

"Doctor." JARVIS greets.

"Starting out JARVIS was just a natural language AI. Now he runs an Iron Legion. He runs more of the business than anyone besides myself." Tony explains.

Ah yes the Iron Legion, Tony's favourite project at the moment. Also, Harley's, considering they worked together to create the bots. It melted my heart seeing them work together. I could watch it for hours.

"Wow." Bruce smiles encouragingly not really knowing where Tony was going with this but then again I didn't either.

"Top of the line." Tony states.
"Hmm." Bruce and I agree together.

"I expect not for long." JARVIS disagrees.

Tony then scans the sceptre and puts on display it's molecular structure. I couldn't believe it. I mean I knew this was alien but JARVIS was a huge technology function. This sceptre was on a whole other level. It looked so complicated. It would take months maybe even a year to study. Surely Tony wouldn't expect us to try in what? Three days?

"Meet the competition." Tony says.

"It's incredible." I breath out.
"It's beautiful." Bruce agrees.

"If you had to guess what it looked like?" Tony asks more pointedly to me but Bruce cuts him off.

"Like it's thinking." Bruce states.

Well here is when my knowledge must come in handy. Tony wanted me to analyse this element.

"I mean, this could's not a human mind its, I mean look at this!" Bruce gasps in awe.

I'm a little more concerned. This looks a little bit to big for our boots. I wouldn't be able to evaluate this in a couple days. It was impossible.

"They're like neurones firing." I inspect.

"Down in Strucker's lab I saw something vaguely against robotics. I deep diced the data but I gotta guess he was knocking on a very particular door." Tony admits and he holds my gaze.

I knew something was bothering him before. Had this been on his mind this whole time?

"Artificial Intelligence." I conclude.

No wonder HYDRA wanted artificial intelligence. It would get them one step closer to us.

"This could be it Kira, Bruce. This could be the key to creating Ultron." Tony says like an excited five year old.

Not this again. Ultron was always a topic Tony would bring up when he was deep in work. It was a fantasy, something to always work towards but never truly reach. But now it looked more straight forward then before, I just still didn't like the idea of it.

"I thought Ultron was a fantasy." I sigh to Tony.
"Yesterday it was. If we could harness this power, apply it to my Iron Man protocol." Tony spoke all glazed over in a transparent state.

"That's a giant sized if." Bruce says in disagreement as he walks away.

"Tony, don't you think you're a little over your head with this?" I ask him. To this, he looks a little hurt so I try to explain myself more.

"Tony, if I had more than three days with this thing, yes I would 100% back you and help. But something like this can't be rushed, we have to take it slow and decipher all its molecular codes and with how huge this is, it could take a whole year! We don't have time for that and every minute it's left here with us, another minute HYDRA gets angrier and comes looking for it. It's not safe on earth, Thor has to take it back where it belongs on Asgard. Think about Harley, I can't put him at risk."

Tony seems to snap out of his hypnosis state at Harley's name and seems more understanding of the matter. Neither one of us wanted Harley's health to be put on the line with this. But I also knew this was Tony's dream and with his ego...I may not be able to talk him out of trying.

"Our job is if Bruce. What if you were sipping margaritas on a golden beach turning brown instead of green? Not looking over your shoulder for Veronica." Tony softly argues again. I could see the pain and want behind his eyes, desperate to creep out and take over.

"Don't hate, I helped design Veronica." Bruce argues back.

Veronica was a failed AI project that went horribly wrong for the pair. That's why Ultron was such a fantasy to us.

"As I worse case measure right? What if the world was safe? What if next time aliens roll up to the club and they will, they couldn't get passed the bouncer." Tony asks.

"The only people threatening the planet would be people." I answer. Seeing Bruce also pause as the cogs turn in our heads.

Now that would be a dream. My family forever safe? It was almost impossible to imagine.

"I want to apply this to the Ultron program. But JARVIS can't download a data connection this dense. We can only do it while we have the sceptre here." Tony tells the two of us.

"That's three days." I reply to Tony trying to open him up to the reality of how crazy this is.

"Give me three days." He begs.

"So you're going for artificial intelligence and you don't want to tell the team." Bruce concludes.

"Tony, we have to tell the team." I say.

"You think they'll all agree? We don't even know if it will work or if we'll even get close. Kira give me these three days and if I can't do it then I'll drop it. Please." Tony asks.

"Ok. You have three days Tony." I tell my boyfriend giving in.

I knew they wouldn't be able to do it, even with my help.

"Right. I see a suit of armour around the world." Tony says excitedly, the mechanic in him taking over.

"That sounds like a cold world Tone." I mumble.
"I've seen colder. So have you." He replied back to me.

I just nod and glance at Bruce.
"This one, this very, vulnerable blue one needs Ultron." Tony continues.

He then walks away to a tablet and gets straight to work.

"Well, Harley will be home from school any minute so I'll join you later." I say quietly.

"See you K." Bruce smiles and I offer one back.
"Peace in our time." Tony calls.

Why did I have such a bad feeling about this?

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