Letting Go (Lmao let it goo-)

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Whitty's POV:

We were all prepared to go back to the outside world. I watched as everybody hurried along the hallways like lunatics preparing for a plane that they were late to. I was chilling with Ruv on the couch, watching some kind of weird channel on the show. I spoke out to break the awkward silence between us.

"I don't get this show" I cringed whilst sinking in my hoodie.

"I don't get it either" Ruv spoke out.

We both waited for the others to prepare, I couldn't deal with the arguements between Beep-bap boy and my girlfriend. They were arguing about who was taller since there was a ruler leaning on a wall, they were both equally small. The arguement broke out and we said our thank you's to Daddy Dearest, the famous ex-rockstar. We all climbed through a portal to our town. I held onto Carol whilst she held onto me, literally. We all got prepared for what we were about to see. Later, I was blinded by the lights of the portal sucking us in, then what I saw next was what really wanted me to go back in Hell. Everything was trashed and dusty, with dark clouds and thunder crashing through the sky, the shops were all emptied, with papers skattered around and fire burning different apartments. A big crack travelled through the roads, it glowed a bright reg underneath, making it seem like the depths of Hell made it. All the places were ruined, everything was ruined. The old dark alleyways were scrapped, the graffiti printed on the walls and buildings were faded and glass was everywhere. The earthquake did loads of damage, just to destroy this town, this very town where Boyfriend lived. He was the reason, he was the reason why this all happened.

"This....This was your fault!" I shouted at the blue haired midget.

"If you and your girlfriend didn't decide to travel up in the hills on Nevada and met whatever you saw up there, then all of this wouldn't have even happened! You could've gotten Carol and I dead from the earthquake!" I screamed whilst towering over him. This was his fault, he should deserve all this, this shouldn't include our town. I wouldn't grieve with him if he had everything lost from what he did.

"I-I didn't know it w-would get a-angry..." Boyfriend's voice quivered.

I saw his tears escape his eyes as he looks at the ground, all feeling guilty. Girlfriend held onto him then glared at me for yelling. I could feel my face heating up from the rage. My fists were clenched, I was ready to punch something. Ruv went up infront of him, giving me a 'you can punch me instead' face. I started hitting him intensely. I could see Boyfriend at the corner of my eye, terrified because that's what I could've done to him without Ruv. After a few hits, I looked up at him, he wasn't fazed or hurt, he was just standing there with a broken arm. I looked down and felt my fists, even though there was nothing to feel. I should control myself more, its probably what Carol is worrying about so often. I sighed.

"L-let's just keep moving from this sh*t.."

But as a walked ahead of them, I saw a small figure jumping across buildings, it had a hint of ginger hair, a dark green shade of his sleeves fading away with the red glow from below. I can tell Boyfriend knew who he is, as he called out his name.


Just then, I recognised who he was. It was the freckled face midget that messed with Carol's date that she organised from last week. I growled as he jumped down the staircases and boxes that led him to Boyfriend.

"Holy sh*t you guys are okay! Are you alright? Where have you been bro!?"

"Its a long story..Kind of"

"Well tell me! You've been gone for a straight 4 days during the earthquake. You don't happen to think that green coloured red haired clown was the reason behind this right? Just like the one you described the last 2 weeks ago?"

"Yeah..That's him..Or her.."

"Yo are you crying?"

I saw Boyfriend wipe his tears away after my rant at him. I crossed my arms and looked away, disgusted. Carol held my arm and started leading me slightly away from them.

"Babe, its okay, Pico won't go hard on you"

"Pico? Thats the ginger haired midget's name?"

"Yeah! We celebrated his 21st birthday like 4 weeks ago. Oh right, you don't remember..Look its okay Whit-rol, he might help us get back with everybody."

"Ugh...Well I suppose your right..."

"Don't start blaming yourself babe, I know you get angry too much"

"Well yea...Thanks babe"

"I love you too Whit-rol"

After travelling to get to the Campsite:

"Alright, we are here guys! And ladies" Pico yelled out and slightly raised his arms to show the Campsite.

It was a big looking factory with a wall covered in barbwire and electricity circuits, there was visible windows on the walls above with neon lights flashed inside, it was like a big party. While the outside was dirty and filled with dust, the inside of the building was big and huge, with speakers and a cafeteria, just like home.

"This whole earthquake thing might be serious, but we're trying to get things together by making this look like Funky Town, right now everybody's actually getting along!" Pico exclaimed proudly as he placed both of his hands on his hips, looking at everybody. Boyfriend knew that Pico organised and planned this, and there were probably fights and arguements between the loudest ppl that they can think of. They first one they obviously thought was Ruv. Ruv knew since everybody was giving him slight glares and stares when he passed, Sarv noticed and started glaring her eyes towards the people who glaring. She held onto Ruv's good arm and shuffled, her footsteps were close to Ruv's and she didn't want to startle him by tripping on him. They went through the gathered glares and walked through a halway. They both reached into a room where they decided to hang out in. The bedroom had a counter with a lamp, the bed was bigger and softer and there was a closet of random clothes. Ruv decided to lay down on the bed to take a rest, after hearing the curses and harsh words that spread throughout his mind whilst walking through the crowd, they knew that he didn't do it, they just assumed. Sarv noticed Ruv's stress as he tossed side to side, trying to get a better sleep position. After changing into her comfortable clothes and removing her habit, she tossed her pink hair and laid down with Ruv.

"Hey...Are you okay?"

"Not really..."

"I'm going to beat up those people who cursed at you.."

"Don't. It's not worth it..."

"You've been through alot! You need to understand! You can't keep hiding."



"..I'm sorry.."

"Its okay Ruv...I love you...You know that"

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