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Dream: Wait...what?

Tommy: Tubbo's eyes doesn't turn in to red.

Dream: XD? Its means...

DreamXD: Maybe be allied with egg and the team.

Techno: What?!

Dream: Yeah...That is the only way....if their eyes turn into red.

Sapnap: Why are they be allied with that egg?

Dream: I don't know. But power and wisdom will up more than before.

Tommy: Tubbo....

Dream: Hey it's okay.

Sapnap: Yeah. We save them as friends!

Tommy: You're right! As a best friends!

Ghostdre: We will search about that.

Dream: Thank you.

Lucid: Anytime dream.

Dream: Yeah.

All: *Signed*

Dream: It will be the worse war.

Tommy: Really? No.

Dream: But third worst war right?

Techno:  What? Forth...I think.

Sapnap: Whatever. We know this for sure...

All: This is the one of worst war we've ever done before.

To Be Continued

Six Godsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें